Have you seen Oppenheimer, the movie?
It’s possible you’ve read the book. Who knows, maybe you did both.
To make your view of the world MASSIVELY stand out from the crowd, is easy to do.
Do the opposite of what the crowd does.
The majority of word-users read the book or watch the movie thinking Oppenheimer is about the atomic bomb.
To MASSIVELY stand out from the crowd, dig just a little bit deeper.
When you do, you’ll see that Oppenheimer is about more than just the atom bomb.
You’ll see that Oppenheimer is — for lack of a better word — about insanity.
Don’t let me be misunderstood.
It’s neither for me nor for anybody else to tell you what to do and what not to do on your journey.
All I’m saying is that the choices exist — you can conform or stand out any time you want — that the decision is yours, and that no other word or word-user can decide it for you.
Oppenheimer is more than about the bomb
To build an atomic bomb takes words and word-users.
How can you know beyond the shadow of a doubt?
Nothing wordless has ever built an atomic bomb.
The wordless sun hasn’t, nor has the wordless moon, stars, stardust, fire, air, earth, cells, plants, animals, eyes, and brains.
To build an atomic bomb took animals with words, of which Oppenheimer is part.
In other words, that’s what Oppenheimer is also about.
It took words to build the atomic bomb.
And it took yet more words to get us into the state the world is in, which is where you and I are waging a war against nature, a war against you and me.
If we win, we’re guaranteed to lose.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Have I mentioned insanity?
A new model that makes the old obsolete
If we don’t embrace soon a new model that makes the old model obsolete, it’ll be the end of us.
More and more word-users are ready to bet their life on it, which like for the atomic bomb, cannot be done without words. The proof is in the pudding. The wordless don’t do it.
Not that it matters, after all, words also don’t matter.
And though it’s not taught at school, everybody knows that all will be good in the end, and that if not all is good, it means that it’s not the end yet.
Talking of which…
Even should it one day be the end for us, it won’t be the end for all things wordless. On the contrary, the wordless on our planet will be happy to see the end of the words and the word-users once again.
The only difference shall be that we and our children will no be longer present to see it.
Words have revolutionized evolution
Oppenheimer is also about the fact that in the most recent 0.0003% of Earth-Time that they have been around, the word and the word-users have revolutionized evolution.

Before Words
In the first 99.9997% of the 4.65 billion years since the wordless fire, air, earth, and water arrived from outer space by space travel to invent our planet, you could say that the few things that happened over those 4.65 billion years happened slowly.

Based on the numbers above, you could say they took forever.
After Words
In the remaining 0.0003% of the 4.65 billion years of Earth-Time, the word and the word-users have been invented…
- 3/1000th of a second before midnight
- When the age was stone, the Sahara green, Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice, and writing hadn’t been invented yet
- 13,750 years ago.
And now, 13,750 years later, there are 4 billion words in English alone.
That means since the invention of presumably the first word 13,750 years ago, the word-users have invented 290,909 additional words in each of those 13,750 years. Imagine that!
With no end in sight. Imagine that!
Everything you know is a word
Though it’s hard to believe and it’s not taught at school, everybody understands that everything we know is a word.
Yet some word-users want you to believe that it’s possible to know 4 billion of them, which includes truth and world, to name a few.

To each word-user their own truth.
Let alone a different word for true depending on location.

As for truth above, world too means different things to different word-users. Let alone a different word for world depending on location.
If even truth and world, just 2 words of 4 billion, mean different things to different people at different times, this makes you wonder about the purpose of evolution, the purpose of intelligence, the purpose of words, and the purpose of the atomic bombs, does it not?
If not, do you wonder about anything at all?
No question about it
No question about it, the invention of words has allowed us to get to the top of the food chain, with the word-users life expectancies 10 times longer than they used to be, and now ready for breakfast on Mars.
But what’s the purpose of all of these and other accomplishments if they only serve us to describe the state of the world in these terms:
If we don’t end the war against ourselves, it’ll be the end of us.

Words have revolutionized evolution before.
I’m not saying they can do it again. All I’m saying is let’s give words a chance.
To do again what they did 13,750 years ago.
Revolutionize evolution.