Hey, it’s Beat (pronounced b@)
Every week I sit down to write my best newsletter. Maybe today I did?
Before we begin with #02, for your information only, I decided to structure the weekly word explosion with the following standard 3 topics:

1. YOU: What you is & what you are, do, and have.
2. WORDS: What word is & what words are, do, and have.
3. ELECTRIC QUOTES: Quotes that changed me, with the potential to change you, too.
Ready? Let’s go!
1. YOU
Newsletter #01 made it clear that you is a word. In other words, that’s the first step on a long journey taken.
Every word describes the following 3 things without fail, guaranteed. If it doesn’t means it isn’t complete.
1) What it is
2) What it does
3) What it has
You being no exception — you is a word — tells me you’re ready for step 2, what you describes.
1. You ARE
Like your ancestor, you ARE…
- A wordy animal (as opposed to animals that remained wordless to this day).
- 100% energy, 100% cells, 70% water, and 30% fire-air-earth (not to worry if the math doesn’t add up, it will in the end).
- The 100% energy isn’t yours but shared with everyone and everything else.
- Your 100% cells aren’t the same as 7 years ago or 7 years from now.
- Where your 70% water was last week and where it’ll be next week doesn’t matter as water has the perfect memory and always finds back to itself.
- Your 30% fire, air, and earth are a mystery.
The energy, cells, water, fire, air, and earth you ARE cast doubt on the earth-to-earth-dust-to-dust stories they want you to believe, doesn’t it?
Word explosion #01 made it clear that even a prison can be a home when you have the key.
Words are a prison, make no mistake about it, but on the upside, what a word IS and what words ARE makes no difference. Singular or plural, they are the same thing. A word is and words are everything you have a word for and everything you know.
Because it’s not taught at school, I saw words for what they are for the first time in 2016 only. Then it took me a further few years for the coin to drop.
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” said William Shakespeare some time ago. And so it is with words. A word by any other word is a word.
“Ships in harbour are safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” – John G Shedd
Electrified when I stumbled upon this quote initially, it caused me to lift anchor instantly.
With hindsight, what followed is like a zipper slowly zipping. Slow’s been a constant companion since the day I was born, and sure enough, I was slow one more time before I decided to be captain of my ship again, finally.
That said, I’m slow no more. Now I’m taking my time a day at a time, and if 24 hours per day is not enough, there’s nothing time can do for me, only gratitude can.