What if I told you that your BEST investment is in words?
Friend is a word (as is everything else you have a word for).
Friend is what you make it.
Unless you let others make it for you.
Your BEST friend, and therefore your BEST investment, is in words.
Because words will be with you till the end of your days.
When you invest in words, your ROI (return on investment) will compound — meaning exponential growth over time from interest on the initial investment plus interest on accumulated interest — identical to investment in money.
But first, to make words your friends, you must accept that like your family and your other friends, words have rules.
Word-rule #01: Words don’t matter (I’ve written about this in this previous post).
Word-rule #02: Words don’t live, mean, or sense (to believe so presupposes words have the organs required).
Word-rule #03: If you have a word for it, it’s a word.
Word-rule #04: If you know it, it’s a word.
Word-rule #05: Words are always yours, in self-talk or aloud, for no-one else can decide your words for you.
Word-rule #06: Words can be denied only by confirming them. A word used means it’s confirmed.
Word-rule #07: Words are how you aim at what you’re looking for.
Word-rule #08: Words are the limits of your world.
Word-rule #09: Words are a prison, but even a prison is a home when you have the key.
Word-rule #10: A word is never another (word)*.
Mistake a word for another means you don’t know the first thing about either. A word can be compared only to its absence.
Word-rule #11: Words attract that upon which they are directed.
Whether you’re looking for heartbreak, success, happy, more, time, problem, solution, greed, agreed, direction, decision, or anything else you have a word for, you’ll find it.
Word-rule #12: Words always put the owners back to what is using them.
Word-rule #13: Words always co-respond to what you’re about to say, in self-talk or aloud.
Word-rule #14: Call words a dream, it does not change anything.
*English words are sometimes mistaken for able, action, actual, after, anecdote, answer, artifact, belief, before, bible, break, change, chat, comma, communicate, concept, conspire, consult, context, contrast, contronym, convention, converse, conversation, correspond, co-respond, data, dictionary, discussion, encyclopedia, epic, everything, fables, fake, frame, god, gossip, grammar, grammatic, grapheme, graphic, high, history, hyphen, I (capitalized 750 years ago to mark it as a word), information, intelligence, internet, isolation, jargon, key, knowledge, label, language, legend, letter, letterally, lie, life, linguistic, literally, loss, me, meme, meaning, metaphor, morpheme, name, narrative, news, normal, note, nothing, objective, ortho, para, parable, paragraph, parser, period, phoneme, phonologic, phrase, picture, play, practic, private, public, secondary, sequence, speech, spoken, question, quote, really, reality, report, response, saga, school, sentence, silence, stimulus, sound, statement, story, symbol, synonym, talk, testament, text, theory, theoretic, thesaurus, thing, think, thought, truth, understand, unique, universe, university, uttered, value, verb, verse, vocabulary, wisdom, wise, word, wordful, wordless, work, world, worm, worry, worth, write, yarn, and you, to name a few. But a word is never another.
These word-rules cannot be changed. They are like gravity-rules. You can break them, but neither words nor gravity will know about it.
There is genuine magic in investing in words.
I cannot show you how to do it, but I can help.
Book a (free) 1:1 call or email beat@schindlersword.com
“If you don’t know words well, you don’t know how to decide words well, and if you don’t know how to decide words well, then others will decide them for you.” – Beat Schindler
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