I was happily pedaling on my bicycle when a T-shirted speedster blew by me on her battery-powered roller.
For a moment, I was dis-appointed.
She’s speedy, I’m not. She’s young, I’m not. What’s the point?
Then I realized, A) that I had failed that morning to appoint myself, B) that it’s not a race, and C) that I don’t own a plan B.
It’s not a race. On the contrary, it’s a journey from the beginning to the end, to each their own, including the lies we’re told with no end in sight.
You’re making choices you’re told by your handheld devices. It’s a lie. There are more choices than any word-user can embrace in a thousand-plus years.
If you got up this new morning to make choices, it might be your turn to be disappointed. You’re too late by a country smile. The choices have been made, it’s not for you to make any.
All the word-users can do is make decisions, each their own, from among the more words than you could manage even if you lived a thousand years which even your best friend will probably doubt.
Decide is all the word-users can do. That’s the only variable in time and space. Everything else has been decided eons ago.
But as you’re breathing, in this eon right now, lucky you are identical to every other word-user, free to believe as you decide, provided you believe it is true.
The beauty of it? No other word or other word-user can believe it for you.
Behind every horizon, there is more to see.
Explode your morning productivity
If you dreamt last night of seeing your morning productivity explode today, waking up was a good first step, highly recommended but not enough.
To make your morning productivity explode with one simple tactic depends on how you’ve been educated.
In other words, it depends on what you believe about words.
If you believe the word is what they want you to believe at kindergarten, school, university, church, and internet, to name a few, you will never know the first thing about the word nor about the beginning.
Everybody has heard about that in the beginning is the word, but only a few word-users know what it means.
Kindergarten, school, university, church, and internet, to name a few, are all about education, and “anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn’t know the first thing about either” (Marshall McLuhan).
People ask me, Beat, what do you believe we should change about education? How do you think we could improve schools to celebrate and uplift the children and our specie as a whole?
I think and know I’m not the only one, that the system is broken, that it’s been broken since it’s been invented by word-masters thousands of years ago, and that more of the same will be just that, more broken.
Getting our young together, getting them outdoors, getting them to play, getting them to create, and getting them to decide on their own, is important. But all animals do this, and more, naturally.
We, the animal with words, as opposed to every other species on Earth, are the only specie that builds schools for the sole purpose of words.
And anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and school doesn’t know the first thing about either.
All elements, plants, and animals learn
All elements, plants, and animals learn to decide and to move on their own, but they do it without schools. Most of them do it even without brains, but that’s a different story altogether.
I think that’s what education is about, and that schools all over the world should be made to remember that’s what they’re about.
Sure, what I believe is a new method to belief that makes the old obsolete, which is why it’s hard to embrace for many readers.
But hard doesn’t make it impossible.
Though it’s hard to believe, you are playing with the idea as we speak anyway, aren’t you?
Back to making your morning productivity explode with one simple tactic.
If you don’t know how, that’s how it’s done:
Don’t go with what they want you to believe about words at kindergarten, school, university, church, and internet, to name a few. Instead, embrace what can be denied only by confirming it:
In the beginning is the word
From words, worlds are born.
Words work.
Decide your words well.
“Using words to talk of words is like using a pencil to draw a picture of itself, on itself.” – Patrick Rothfuss
“What a word means, a sentence cannot say.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
Words are a prison, but even a prison is a home if you have the key (the key is in THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY for everybody to see).
Everything word-users have a word for is a word.
Everything word-users know is a word.
Words are what word-users respond to.
Words are how word-users aim at what they’re looking for.
A word is in the beginning of everything the word-users have a word for, you included.
The appearance of words has revolutionized evolution.
Words have not only changed everything word-users have a word for, they create it.
Words are a gift we’re meant to keep.
Words don’t describe the world, they merely describe how the word-users see it.
Words have not only changed what the word-users see, but how they see.
Words are the limits of the word-users world.
Once you see that, they cease to be the limits of your world.
Words are not taught at school.
The story of words is not told, neither at school nor anywhere else.
Word-masters have known that in the beginning is the word since the beginning of words.
Word-users love to use their words.
Words tend to get mistaken for evidence, and the word-users often treat them that way.
If you have a word for it, it’s a word.
If you ignore what words can do to you, then you can have no empathy for what words can do to other word-users.
Words do not matter (they possess zero electric charge).
Words have no meaning.
Words don’t make sense.
The one with the matter, meaning, and senses, the sensational one, is you.
A word, any word, can be denied only by confirming it.
Words defy our understanding of how the universe works.
Words couldn’t be anything else if they tried.
For self-evident reasons.
Call it a dream, it doesn’t change anything.
There’s nothing so stable as change
I think the days are coming when things are changing on planet Earth.
I think we are awakening, and word-users are asking the same exact question, and answering it as well.
So much to be excited about for future generations on planet Earth and our species.