The telling of stored words, also known as stories told by storytellers, lead to a payoff that never changes which is for the story to be believed.
For many unbelievable stories, to be believed is easily done because most word-users don’t care whether a story genuinely happened or not. The only thing that matters to them is the story is true. Take, for example, the stories of Santa Claus, James Bond, or gods of different names, to name a few.
Fact, what stories to believe (or not) is a question of age, character, and personal experience, to each their own. Therefore, the stories of Santa Claus, James Bond, or gods of different names might be believed at certain times but not at others.
Things have changed
Stories used to be told by word-users to word-users. But nowadays, stories are told by machines to word-users. Machines of course don’t have a clue if a story happened or not. It couldn’t care less. To the machine, all that counts is the words are stored.
Among the stories that never happened for self-evident reasons is the story of how it all began, which makes it the most successful lie ever told.
But when told by a machine to word-users, many of the latter believe the story of how it all began genuinely happened no matter what.
Whether a story happened or not, that story will hold you back or push you forward whether you like it or not.