It’s possible that you don’t know me…yet.
In fact, it’s more than likely. Maybe like many LinkedIn users before, you’ve viewed my profile but would like to know more about me just the same.
Therefore, if so inclined, let me share with you my story in two parts.
Part 1: Before me/Before 2016/Before words
Part 2: After me/After 2016/After words
Before me/Before 2016/Before words
Before me, I used to do when and how I was told, grew up, traveled the world, worked for the world’s then-best company you could work for, read truckloads of books, papers, and instruction manuals, and studied with some world famous coaches so you don’t have to.
On a sunny afternoon in 2016, I was jogging through my favorite forest with my eyes wide open so as not to step onto any rocks, roots, snails, pine cones, or branches, when I stumbled upon the fact that everything I have a word for is a word.
The wordless light came through the wordless leaves and the wordless trees straight from the wordless sun above, when out of the blue I clearly saw that there was nothing left between the wordless and the words. The wordless fire, air, earth, and water had turned everything wordless into words, including themselves, me, and everything else I had a word for.
I had once before not known where I was, or what is me and what is not me, which is when I was born wordless. That means this was my second experience with that same event. And it turned out I was every bit as surprised as I was the first time around.
I wished the madness would go away as fast as it had come, but many years later I still have my eyes wide open.
Be it as it may, by now it was early evening. I decided to stay in the forest for a little while longer. For the first time in my adult life, tears were now flowing freely. Not one with a habit of crying a river, I had to stop myself from happening at this crowning end of a sunny afternoon.
This was the most serene event that had ever happened to me, and I wasn’t prepared to lose it again.
The famous coaches whose books I read and seminars I attended during the 20 years before to reclaim my identity have no idea that never before or since I imagined that anyone or anything can feel like this,
They do not imagine it themselves. They couldn’t if they tried.
Experience trumps theory.

Words are a prison, but even a prison is a home if you have the key.
After me/After 2016/After words
Everything looked the same, but the world had changed. Again.
I can now be in the company of family and friends thinking 5 minutes have gone by when in fact several hours had flown out the window. I can be there with my ears and my eyes wide open, participating, but without a sense of time.
Everything within me and without me dances in this both wordless and wordy world of circumstances. With a difference, this time around I have the words to describe it.
Like most people I knew, I had never thought of me as a word before.
Communicating with myself, which is what words are also for, I ask “What if everything is a word?” or “What if everything I know is a word?” and all I get back is a constant “Maybe you’ve lost your marbles.”
I have always been happy, have no problems, and have always done what I did for nothing but the sensation while doing it. This and many other worries have never been an issue for me, and I’m not eager to make that mistake now.
Every cell that my body is made of, that is 100%, are still bursting with what I still don’t have words for as we speak, the ecstasy of 2016.
Do not the brightest moments find us without words?
Over and above the fact that I’m not the spring chicken I used to be and that I’ve experienced open heart surgery, if you see photos of me before and after 2016, you can clearly see that things have changed. As I research and write my books and articles, I’m freer than I ever was before, my own birth excepted. My voice and the shape of my face change, to name a few, as they did before, as good as new.
Post-2016, I knew I had to do something but didn’t know how.
All that mattered was that I followed my bliss anew. I knew the how would show up at the right time.
Post-2016, I trust words enough, including the uniVERSE, to find guides I expect different from what I anticipate.
When you change how you look at words, the world changes.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Post-2016, I use words to help myself and other word-users to reclaim their identity in turn
I know that all word-users are made as I am — of 70% water, 30% fire, air, and earth, and 100% cells. Don’t worry it the math doesn’t add up. Therefore I think that the ecstasy, serenity, and freedom that happened and continue to happen to me, can happen to any word-user willing to change the way they look at words.
I wish this willing word-user, my friend, will be you.
If you were to climb Everest, at 8,848 meters the world’s highest mountain, would you consider yourself a success after you reached the top? If it’s yes, you are only half right. Success is when you are back down in the valley again. Wouldn’t you agree?
Be it as it may, this is similar to changing the way you look at words. Nothing is believed until it’s true. I can help, but nobody else can believe it for you.
THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY is the most profound book I’ve ever published. My intention is to disarm the listener. The book breaks what people expect from me, as I don’t talk with words, but about words.
The end in mind with THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY isn’t to change the world by fighting the old, but by providing a new model that makes the old obsolete.
There are no passengers on this planet of ours. Every thing and every body — yes, the spaces are intended — are crew, the wordless and the wordy alike. And the only specie that doesn’t know what they’re doing is the one that you and I belong to: The word-users.
I’m not saying that’s not true.
All I’m saying is do with what you are, with what you have, with where you are, and with what you know and ignore, to make the world a better place — the best place it can be for yourself, for your family, for your friends, and for the wordless, too — now.
I hope my story now told may inspire you every step of your way.