January 28, 2024
This post is about decisions. How do we get to make them? Have we already made decisions since before we learned the words to describe them with? If so, what had to happen before we made our first? ENERGY Energy doesn’t do arguments. Instead, energy invents and creates. More choices than any word-user can handle. Since the beginning of words that energy invented, our ancestors invented the word-accelerators. INTELLIGENCE We measure our own IQ. Why
January 28, 2024
Imagine the end
Imagine the end, when everything is done and over with. At the risk of repeating myself, imagine you being dead. Implied in you now dead is things have changed. The easiest thing to do when faced with things have changed — which brings fear, is usually how it works — is to decide to become cynical or hope that the change you fear is nothing but a fad, soon to disappear. The possibilities of you
December 21, 2023
The boy with the wishful eyes
Back when the ponies ran, when the girls were young and the odds were there to beat, my little personal winning streak ended as it had begun, naturally, without my being aware of it. Why me? Why not someone else who deserved it? My winning streak ended like a black-feathered bird bursting the sky had landed on me. With no
November 18, 2023
Don’t give up
In this world of never-ending responses to more information than any word-user can handle — but that’s nevertheless a mere walk in the park for the wordless fire, wind, earth, and water — it ain’t easy to be the master of your moments. All I’m saying is it doesn’t have to be that hard. The minute we decide to not give up, we muster unexpected strengths to accepting the world as it is, not as
November 13, 2023
Epic journey from birth to death
Everybody and everything invests their energy and time to experience an epic journey between birth and death. Free from restraints. Full of abundance and joy. Case in point, I’m writing this post on a rainy day from my office that’s part of my apartment in Switzerland. I wouldn’t do anything that meant I couldn’t spend my days here whenever I felt like it. Do a bunch of sales calls and make an extra few Swiss
November 13, 2023
Word is great, beautiful, and oh so fascinating
Word is great, beautiful, and oh so fascinating that some readers might expect it to be true. Well, word is even greater, beautifuller, and fascinatinger than that. Among the fascinating features of words is that’s what you’re looking at since this article began to the end, from its headline to its takeaway, and of course everything in between — nothing but words. You can see them but you cannot touch ’em As you read on,
November 13, 2023
A thousand questions remaining. Exploring the origins of feel
The origin of feel Feel has fascinated the word-users ever since one of our ancestors described with feel what s/he saw for the first time 750 years ago. We do not know what our ancestor described. The reason is simple. The witnesses are gone and the English dictionary hadn’t been invented yet. I’m talking about the word-users as opposed to the wordless. Because to the wordless — also known as nature — feel doesn’t make
November 13, 2023
The science of getting what you want – the friendly way
If you’re not familiar with the science of getting what you want, not to worry. It happens to the best of families. Simply join the club of the unfamiliar and learn what the science of getting what you want is all about instead. The science of getting what you want is not about the short attention spans we’re getting used to more than ever before or so it seems. On the contrary, knowing the activities