Martin Luther (born 541 years ago / died 478 years ago) was a catholic priest that re-formed the rituals of his catholic religion.
For this, he got condemned as an outlaw and excommunicated by his chiefs, the word-masters.
There is no such thing as a non-believer. Word-masters and word-users alike cannot exist without belief. We believe anything whether we want it or not, and what we believe plays no role in it.
Did Martin Luther knew this?
I don’t know, but I know his chiefs, the word-masters, knew.
I guess as far as Martin Luther is concerned, he saw no alternative to believe in a fictional character called God, and the only one available to him at the time, in Germany, was the one his chiefs had earlier dreamt up for him, in Italy.
So he decided to dream up his own, called it Lutheran, and de-facto founded his own religion today known under names such as reformist, protestantist, christianist, or evangelist, to name a few.
Martin Luther exchanged one religion for another.
That’s a dumb idea beyond the shadow of a doubt. Tough a common mistake, it doesn’t make it intelligent.
Religion has been and continues to be the most divisive force since the beginning of words, for which the proof is in the pudding.
In the 4.65 billion years Before Words
The sun, the moon, the stars, the energy, the electricity, the fire, the air, the earth, the water, the plants, and the animals have not been raist, buddhist, hinduist, jewist, catholicist, protestantist, mayanist, islamist, or other words religions disguise in or under, for these simple reasons:
- Before Words, words didn’t exist.
- The sun, moon, stars, energy, electricity, fire, air, earth, water, plants, and wordless animals have better things to do, such as being each on their journey in perfect harmony.
- For a tadpole to shed his body to find a frog within, that tadpole didn’t/doesn’t have to go to school to learn words first.
- If water were religious, it would be deeply divided, hate itself, and fight religious wars. But water is the contrary. It has the perfect memory and always finds back to itself.
In the 13,750 years After Words
The word-masters have been preaching to the word-users for thousands of years with no end in sight that everything is divided.
We’re divided from animals and from nature because we’re created in a fictional character’s image instead, they want you to believe.
- “Currently, man is waging war against nature. If he wins, he is lost”. – Hubert Reeves (not known as Saint Hubert)
- “Wrong is wrong even if everybody is doing it. Right is right even if no one is doing it.” – Augustine of Hippo (also known as Saint Augustine)
#education #personaldevelopment #ReligionAndBelief #word