In less than 3 weeks, I’ll be hosting my “LIMITLESS OPPORTUNITIES” live seminar, as opposed to an online webinar, answering questions and connecting people to get serious in discussing the new way of looking at words.

After the seminar, the participants will have replaced the old way of how word-users looked at words.
In other words, the old way of looking at words will be a thing of the past that the participants will be happy to forget forever and a day.

Limitless Opportunities
Limitless Opportunities will change the world and, hence will be transformative with a money-back guarantee.
Because when YOU change how YOU look AT WORDS, YOU change.
Limitless Opportunities does it for you. As you partake in the seminar, new landscapes will unfold that participants will discover have been there all along.
The unfolding is you.
Limitless Opportunities is based on The Origin of Humanity, my new book which as you’d expect covers how everything began — not only humanity, but also you, and everything else you have a word for.
In the beginning is the word
How everything began — and what words are, what words do, and what words have — isn’t taught at learning institutions such as homes, kindergartens, schools, and universities.
Therefore, graduates don’t think of you, or of themselves, as a word.
“The school system is the homogenizing hopper into which we toss our integral tots for processing.”
– Marshall McLuhan
A quick reminder for those who haven’t had a chance yet to read my previous posts — here or on my website: You is a word.
And like every other word you have ever heard of, including you and humanity, it couldn’t be anything else if it tried.
Since 2016
Since 2016 I’ve written more books about words than any other author. Part of that is simply longevity, persistence, and showing up. But most of it is your doing.
The loyal readers of my books, posts, and blog — more than seven years of going tough while the going gets tougher — are the foundation of my career as a words-author.
I remember it well.
Now that my book is out, hosting a live seminar, with a face-to-face audience asking and answering questions, in the town where I care and reside, in Biel-Bienne, Switzerland, seems like a good idea.
That said, you can of course order my book at any time of the day and the night. For that, it will always be the right time.
If you live in or near Switzerland or know anybody who does, I hope you and your friends can make it to my Limitless Opportunities seminar on October 1st, 2023.
Thank you.