You are looking to live without the limits imposed on you by others.
There’s just one obstacle in the way.
You don’t know how.
Therefore, your first instinct might be to enter “live without limits” on your smartphone.
If you’re lucky or unlucky — a question of perspective, to each their own — to stumble upon the Google search engine to find the results you’re looking for, Google will tell you there are about 1,530,000,000 of them. 1.53 billion results for 1 question.
In 2023, that’s called normal and obvious. As opposed to contrarian.
If you invest in the obvious, as opposed to contrarian, and you spend just a second to find what each of these 1.53 billion search results mean, you’ll be 49 years older by the time you’re done, 49 years without any sleep nor toilet breaks.
You’re free to go for the obvious of course.
But you also know that while nobody says living without limits is easy, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this hard.
In fact, if you’re looking for limitless opportunities, all it takes is to read on to discover the evergreen piece of advice that I promise in the headline.
My evergreen piece of advice is not obvious, it’s contrarian.
I know what I’m talking about.
Everything comes down to how it all began
Everything comes down to how it all began, and in the beginning is the word.
You might have heard of in the beginning is the word before. Perhaps you’ve read it in a famous book written 1,711 years ago.
That famous book is still found, in many times since translated versions, on the shelves of word-users that believe any story as long as it’s told by the RITA method…
R epetition
I ntensity
T iming
A uthority
…except for the story of words which is what in the beginning is the word is all about.
Because those that have written in the beginning is the word into their famous book written 1,711 years ago, don’t want the word-users to know about the story of words.
In the beginning is the word.
There is no other beginning
Beginning is an English word.
In other words, where English words are not used, the word-users use different words to say beginning. But no matter which word is used, if it wasn’t for the invention of the word, there’d be no beginning.
Since the story of words is untold and words aren’t taught at school or anywhere else, allow me to briefly explain what words are.
Using words to talk of words
“Using words to talk of words is like using a pencil to draw a picture of itself, on itself.” – Patrick Rothfuss
“What a word means, a sentence cannot say.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
I’m doing it anyway.
Words do nothing
By themselves, words do nothing.
They do not matter (words possess zero electric charge).
They have no meaning.
They don’t make sense.
They couldn’t if they tried.
With the help of word-users
- Words revolutionized evolution.
- In the beginning is the word.
- From words, worlds are born.
- Words work.
- Everything a word-user has a word for is a word.
- Everything a word-user knows is a word. Word and you included.
- Words are a gift we’re meant to keep.
- Words are a prison, but even a prison is a home if you have the key.
- The key is in THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY for everybody to see.
- Words are what word-users respond to.
- Words are how word-users aim at what they’re looking for.
- Words don’t describe the world.
- Words describe how the word-user sees the world, each their own.
- Words have not only changed what we see but how we see.
- Words are the limits of the word-user’s world.
- Once the word-users see, the words cease to be the limits of their world.
- If a word-user ignores what words can do to it, then it can have no empathy for what words can do to others.
- Words can be denied only by confirming them.
- Words defy our understanding of how the universe works.
- Words tend to get mistaken for evidence, and we often treat them that way.
- Word-users love to use their words.
How many words?
How many beginnings exist on our planet? How many words exist on our planet? Nobody knowns except that it’s the same number.
There are billions of words, hence billions of beginnings.
There are more words and beginnings than anyone to manage, let alone count.
But among the billions of beginnings and words, you are free as a bird to use any.
Limitless opportunities
As the founder of limitless opportunities, and therefore of life without limits, people ask me, Beat, if you were creating your program today, is there anything you’d update or change?
I am thinking about this and the topic that most interests me and many other people right now is the idea of awakening, also known as enlightenment, self-realization, soul integration, spiritual illumination, and mindfulness.
Something’s going on, no question about it, and I think it has to do with the blending of being driven by what we feel, compared to where we’ve been in the not-too-distant past, technology-driven.
I think that is something that will have offshoots that speak to cooperation, friendship, a lot more emphasis on joy, and maybe a greater emphasis on letting the details shake out.
Although I talk at length about the cursed how’s and not trying to force the who’s, the where’s, and the when’s when it comes to the manifestation of feelings, overall, there’d be a chapter or a whole tangent on awakening to what we are, what we do, and what we have.
I know how it all began.
I teach it in my courses and program as those who participate know.
In the beginning is the word is not wishy-washy. There are no two ways about it.
In the beginning is the word is not a movable feast, as those who have written it in their famous book want you to believe.
There are infinite roads to Rome, but none of those roads change that in the beginning is the word.
Having not awakened to what we are, what we do, and what we have means we have ways to go, much of it uphill and some of it through steep valleys.
In the beginning is the word is what I’m talking of in my LIMITLESS OPPORTUNITIES program.
Simple, not complicated
When you get to how it all began, it gets simple, not complicated.
You dispel confusion.
Through the dispelling of confusion, your life without limits shall come.
Through the dispelling of confusion, you will go out into the world dancing and your invisible limiting and conflicting beliefs will align.
The beliefs that don’t serve you, out of alignment with how it all began, will fall by the wayside.
A huge weight will be lifted off your shoulders.
This is your ticket and how the cards are dealt.
It’s never too late to be feelings-driven.
It’s never too late to do the right thing.