If the above could talk, what would they tell us?
We’ll never know because they won’t.
That’s the 1 (one) way I increased my knowledge by 1000%.
Let me share with you how it came about, so you can do it too.
Words do not describe the world.
They describe how we see it.
To know what I’m talking about. For just a minute:
Imagine traveling by train at your own chosen speed.
The landscapes don’t unfold.
They don’t need to because they’ve been there all along.
But you discover them and you give them words.
As the train departs slowly, you realize, slowly at first, that in the beginning is the word.
That’s when you realize the unfolding is you, that’s how beliefs are formed, but also that it’s safe to relax for it’s only a train of thought.
“To see we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at.” – Claude Monet
Call it a dream, it doesn’t change anything.
Increase your knowledge by 1000% too
Because you’ve imagined traveling by train at your own chosen speed, you’re halfway there already.
For the rest of the journey, I’ll teach you about words — the whole shebang, what words are, what words do, what words have, and what you are, what you do, and what you have — which is all it takes, words and you, for the limits of your world to morph into limitless opportunities forever and a day.
Call to action
Join my waitlist to ensure you’ll be the first to be notified when my “Limitless Opportunities” course starts later this year when the harvest moon rises anew, give or take a few.