I say, “Words have revolutionised evolution.”
I hear you: “What are you talking about?”
What I’m talking about isn’t philosophy. It is science.
The proof’s in the pudding, see the picture above.
In words:
Words appeared 13,750 years ago.
Before Words:
The first 4.65 billion years on Earth were without words. Put differently, the first 99.9997% since the birth of Earth were wordless. In other words, on a 24-hour clock, the first 23:59:59.0074 were wordless
After Words:
Words exist on Earth since 13,750 years ago. Put differently, words and word-users exist since the most recent 0.0003% on Earth only. In other words, words and word-users exist on Earth only since 0.026 seconds ago only.
For context:
0.026 seconds is 40 times faster than a word-user’s blink of an eye, in which time…
Words revolutionised evolution
During the time Before Words — that is during the first 23:59:59.007 or 99.9997% — nearly nothing got invented, and what did took forever.
The proof’s in the pudding: After they had invented Earth, it took the energy, fire, air, earth, and water 1.15 billion years to invent the cells, a further 2.8 billion years to invent the plants, a further 100,000 years to invent the animals, a further 58,000 years to invent the eyes, a further 42,000 years to invent the brains, and a further 486,250 years to invent the words and word-users, including you. It’s not just about you of course. We’re all in this together.
During the latest 0.026 seconds, that is in the most recent 0.0003% of the time since words began, every other invention you know of got invented 40 times faster than the time it takes for the blink of an eye. For you to not have to look at every invention one by one, I did the hard work for you. Here’s the link to the inventions Before Words and After Words.
The question on every word-user’s tip of the tongue, of course, is how did the energy, fire, air, earth, and water invent everything, you and me included?
The energy, fire, air, earth, and water don’t even have schools.
Could it be that the word-users — the only Earthlings with the monopoly on words and schools — don’t also have the monopoly on intelligence?
Could there exist an intelligence other than ours — maybe not quite as big, or maybe even bigger than ours?
If interested in the answer, follow me & be sure to read me in the days and weeks ahead.
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