I think possibly because falsehoods are told at schools for meanwhile thousands of years with no end in sight that some graduates have never yet heard of the existence of two types of animals on our planet — the wordless and the wordy.
The wordless that are born wordless and remain that way forever.
The wordy that are also born wordless but build schools for the learning of letters, words, and stories. We have a word for everything we have a word for, including for nothing, and for everything we know. But we refuse to believe that everything we know is a word while we’re unable to not think of or not speak the word in question.
To us, the wordy animals, it doesn’t matter whether a word or story happened or not. The only thing that matters to us is that the word or story is true.
With the help of words and stories, we categorise the wordless into the currently estimated 5 to 7 million different groups, also known as species, while the wordy themselves consist of only 1 group, though to be fair, there’s 9 billion of us and counting.
I don’t think it makes sense to blame the schools for the falsehoods told, for that means we blame ourselves. That would be rather crazy, wouldn’t it be? What’s your take on this?
Be it as it may, upon graduating from school, every word-user clearly sees that both the wordless and the wordy animals are born, breathe, play, eat, drink, eliminate, enjoy sex, procreate, sense, and behave in mostly identical ways. We even name our six senses common because we have them in common with the other 5 to 7 million species of animals.
Words are the only difference between the wordless animals and the wordy animals.
In his 1969 Nobel Prize for Literature acceptance speech, Samuel Beckett said “Words are all we have”. But Samuel Beckett is not the only one. Ludwig Wittgenstein also said “All I know is what I have words for” 124 years ago.
Words are why we are here and the wordless aren’t. Yet falsehoods are told at school according to which we’re human, not animals with words, and that we’re not natural, but created in the image of some fictional gods over which wars have been fought for meanwhile thousands of years with no end in sight.
I’m not saying peace is everything we want to use our words and stories for.
All I’m saying is give peace a chance!
“Currently, man is waging war against nature. If he wins, he is lost”. – Hubert Reeves
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#TruthInStories #creativity #selfimprovement #word