Words become habits faster than you think
Habits rule the conditioned mind.
Hold it!
Before you jump to conclusions you only risk to regret later, don’t think that your mind has a choice — it is conditioned whether it likes it or not.
The freedom you have, the only freedom you have, is to decide who does the conditioning.
It’s either other word-users with their companies’ interests in mind, each their own…

…or it’s you.
Use your freedom wisely, for habits eat good intentions for breakfast.
Habits are first cobwebs (the tangled webs produced by spiders) too light to be felt until they fast become chains too heavy to be broken.
Because we’re animals, albeit animals with words, we can never free ourselves from habits. But we can replace bad word habits with good word habits in the blink of an eye.
No habit impacts what you do and what you have more than word habits, which are words spoken habitually and repeatedly, out loud or in self-talk don’t make any difference.
Call it a dream, it doesn’t change anything.
Therefore, what you do and what you have is not an accident. It is a direct consequence of the words you use repeatedly.
Watch your word
Watch your words for the ones you use repeatedly become your habits faster than you think.
Your habits in turn determine what you achieve and what you fail to achieve.
What you achieve in turn becomes your self-image, also known as your self-esteem, which in turn becomes your destiny.
However, in the beginning of this chain of events — of words, habits, achievements, self-image, and destiny — is always the word. The beginning is key. Never let that out of your sight.
Never let how everything began…

…including how you began out of your sight.
Needless to say but for the sake of this post I say it anyway, you is a word.
When you change how you look at words, you, your life, and your world will change.
Somewhere on purpose versus nowhere by accident
Some word-users arrive somewhere on purpose.
Those are the ones that use vision repeatedly.
They have other things going for them as well, but they all have a vision which they either achieve or die trying.
Other word-user decide to arrive nowhere by accident.
These are the ones that don’t watch the words they use repeatedly, including the broken not to be spoken to begin with.
Men’s natures are alike. It is their habits that separates them.” – Confucius
Simple versus complicated
You might think the journey from birth to death is complicated.
I know exactly how it feels because I used to make the same mistake myself.
But when you branch out and take the road less traveled, you’ll discover that it’s simple, and that simple isn’t complicated when you know how.
Some word-users claim it’s simple to be happy but hard to be simple. Those are the ones that simply don’t know how.
I’ve been a simplification coach, and I have helped myself and my clients to simplify their lives, for as long as I remember.
I’ve written a bunch about simple, among others in the “LAST TRAIN TO SIMPLE – The crazy method to love life” — to which the reader reviews are here.
Now, after my latest book, “THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY – What can be denied only by confirming it”, is out, I will soon release my new book on “HOW TO SIMPLIFY” (title yet to be defined. Any suggestions will be much appreciated).
In the beginning is the word
Like THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY, HOW TO SIMPLIFY will be based on what can be denied only by confirming it, that is in the beginning is the word.
HOW TO SIMPLIFY will be based on the fact that when you change how you look at words, you, your life your world, and your destiny will change in the blink of an eye.
Words that don’t serve you are easier to abandon today than tomorrow.
Word habits that serve you versus word habits that harm you aren’t a question of easy or hard. On the contrary, word habits are just that, a question of habit. But word habits good or bad come with BIG consequences because word habits work like compound interest, you get back more than you put in.
The minute you change the bad words for words that serve you well — I’ll help you to figure them out, to each their own — your destiny changes, and when your destiny changes, how you feel changes too, which in turn determines what you go after and what you avoid…

…for the rest of your life and a day.
Nothing impacts your destiny more than what you feel now.
Now you can feel good or bad anytime.
Don’t ever let that freedom out of your sight.
Your destiny depends on it.