Tele-vision is what the story of the purple cow is all about. Therefore, this post is about two separate things, tele-vision and purple-cow, with tele-vision first.
We love to assume tele-vision was invented 92 years ago, however, nothing could be farther from the truth. Call our love for making assumptions a type of delusional trance or simply being mistaken, fact is, tele-vision was invented 10,000-plus years ago. Here’s how.
Upon the appearance of words on Earth, some 14,000 years ago, it didn’t take our ancestors long to discover that when you repeatedly say “sun” while pointing at it, the need for the actual sun fades away. After a while, you can get people to see the sun just by saying the word.
“The soul never thinks without a picture.” – Aristotle.
Thus, tele-vision was invented. Though Aristotle put it in words for everybody to see only much later, our early ancestors had already bitten into the apple, hence knew about words’ TV-feature from the beginning.
The purple cow is a different story altogether because unlike the sun, it doesn’t exist, yet 10,000-plus years ago, people demanded proof. They demanded to see it with their own two eyes. Remember back then, eye cue reigned supreme and IQ hadn’t been invented yet. Imagine that! But let’s not get distracted.
A long story short, our ancestors had to paint a cow purple first, then take the cow to the people, hoping it wouldn’t rain, or get the people to the cow. Imagine the time and energy just to get that first purple cow into people’s heads. But it was worth every minute and calorie for without the story of the purple cow, we’d still demand proof.
10,000 years later, no pun intended, tele-vision — getting people to see what’s not there — is a walk in the park. Just speak the words. And now, to get into people’s heads, we’ve come up with key-words, too. Yellow submarine.
What tends to get overlooked is the fact the word masters of old didn’t wait for us to invent TV or tele-keys. They’ve known about it all along which explains promised lands, nations of god and more recently, fake news, to name a few.
What will the word masters come up with next?
Anybody’s guess is as good or likely better than mine. But knowing it will be words has you better prepared for what’s up next than most.