Words appeared recently only, when the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile thick ice. That means the first 99.9997% of Earth-Time — the 4.65 billion years before words — were wordless, not much happened and the little that did, happened slowly.
However, in the .0003% of Earth-Time since, two things have changed rather quickly, in a heartbeat.
Words have gone from absent to dominating the world. In numbers, they have gone from naught to millions and even billions, according to those who claim to have counted them all to know how many words it takes to fill the world.
In the same heartbeat, in parallel, the word-users have gone from absent to dominating the world. In numbers, we have gone from naught to 9 billion, but that’s not all. At the same time, we’ve gone from being just another animal to the top of the food chain, the most advanced specie ever, ready for breakfast on Mars, the high-water mark of evolution.
What have words got to do with it? All kinds of things are being said, depending on who is saying them. The only difference is in how we respond, and you can’t order people what to trust, the word or the word-user, and what not. It’s a question of character and personal preference, to each their own.
When you change the way you look at words, how you respond to all kinds of things being said changes, too.