In the beginning is the word
I don’t remember exactly the first time I’ve heard it said that in the beginning is the word.
I was young, Everybody older than me knew about it but didn’t seem to care. When I asked “What does it mean?” the word-users around me yadda-yadded as usual but offered no answer
Many beginnings have gone under the bridge of tradition since, but it’s still only the young ones that ask “What does in the beginning is the word mean?” The grownup still do their yadda-yadda while conveniently forgetting they’ve asked that same question when they were young themselves.

After a bunch of brainless cells — how did they know without a day at school? — made you from scratch, you learned to be born, to walk, to word, and finally to ask why.
During your why-days that drove everybody around you crazy, you had no idea that in the beginning is the word. That’s not something the parents say to their children after they have only just learned their first words
And when you asked what happened just before the word during your school days, nobody told you because the story of words isn’t told at school. The school boards continue to be run by word-users that read only one book, and the subject matter of religion is rather well-known.
Trying to add 1+1 together, I concluded there was no beginning before words. With beginning a word, how could it have happened?
The word
It’s rumored that in the beginning is the word was written down 1711 years ago, presumably on paper that in turn had been invented 1918 years ago.
1711 years ago, in the beginning is the word was written in words other than English because Modern English words got invented only 1261 later, 473 years ago.
Be it as it may, “there is magic in every beginning” said Hermann Hesse some 123 years ago. I can but speculate it was this type of magic when in the beginning is the word was recorded 1711 years ago.
Our ancestors knew
When 1711 years ago, our ancestors wrote for everything that could read to clearly see that in the beginning is the word, they knew beyond the shadow of a doubt exactly what they were talking about.
1711 years later, we’ve still only just begun to rediscover that in the beginning of everything is, in fact, a word.
- Everything you can think of — a word.
- Everything you have a word for — a word.
- Everything you know — a word.
- Everything you respond to — a word.
- Everything you respond with — a word.
It’s not just about you of course.
We’re all in this together.
Call it a dream, it makes no difference,
Back in 2016, I rediscovered that everything is a word and have since written books about it.

Imagine that!
When I don’t research and write my books, I have a habit of asking my fellow word-users what difference it would make if they thought about their words as much as they thought about their thoughts.
How much thinking would it save them?
How many decisions would already be made?
I’ll work till I fall doing what I do best only for the sensation while doing it till I can do it no more.
Almost no one is interested and most of them turn their backs on me.
I meanwhile clearly know it’s because while everybody has heard that in the beginning is the word, nobody knows what it means, and using words makes it a hard message to get across.
“What a word is, a sentence cannot say.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Using words to talk of words is like using a pencil to draw a picture of itself, on itself. Impossible. Confusing. Frustrating.” – Patrick Rothfuss
At the risk of repeating myself
I recognize the treasure I have in front of me.
Now I am left for what according to some of my friends has been written in the stars long ago, that I’m strong enough to get the job done, and that I will not rest for there’s never been anything like it.
To get the job done, my last Limitless Opportunities seminar has only just ended and the next is already in preparation.

8 hours in total, spread over 4 days in November 2023.
The available seats will be limited so I have enough time to dedicate to each participant, to ensure it’ll be like personal coaching rather than a seminar.
When you change how you look at words, you change
To understand words and how it all begins isn’t easy. It doesn’t happen by accident.
That said, what can be grasped immediately is not always the greatest of qualities. After all, all that glitters…but you know that stuff.
My seminars are for word-users who know you cannot learn less.