Are you tired of the straight line?
For many word-users in modern times, the straight line means internet and social media on a handheld device.
And many are tired of it because the straight line provides more reasons than anyone can handle for feeling not good enough about things you supposedly lack non-stop, day and night, 7/24.
You shall never feel good enough if you continue to have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you by other word-users, the internet, social media, or your handheld device.
Because when words control you, everything and everybody can control you.
That’s beyond the shadow of a doubt, not a good place to be.
If that’s you, feeling not good enough will follow you like your shadow.
You can change that in a heartbeat by leaving the word-user behind and becoming a word-master instead.
I’ll be happy to show you how.
Book a FREE call at https://calendly.com/beatsword/101coaching
Or email me to beat@schindlersword.com
If not now, then when?