When is the last time you thought of what you DO?
As promised by the headline, today’s post is…

…about what you DO.
You respond to stimulus is all you’ll ever do, even after you’re dead. For this, there are several reasons:
- Whether you like it or not.
- You’re not asked.
- You are energy.
- Energy doesn’t ask, is everywhere, and permanent, and responds to itself instead.
- To name a few.
Energy’s mass is estimated at 1.989 x 10^30 kg, as is the mass of the 90% hydrogen in the sun, the equivalent of 99.8% of the solar system.
Energy cannot be destroyed but, invisible to our naked eye, rather morphs from one form to another. It also possesses the perfect memory and always finds back to itself.
Long story short, you are energy and therefore respond to stimulus not because you’re able, or because you’re given a choice, or because you have a decision to make, but because that’s how the cards are dealt.
Being energy, you cannot not respond, as no response is also a response (as no decision is also a decision).
Expressed in two simple formulas:
Better deal with it, for there are zero alternatives and no exceptions.
I hear you, “What are words?” Well, everything you have a word for and everything you know is a word. In other words, the word-users are word’s strategy for getting more words. A strategy that’s working for there is meanwhile a word for everything, including for nothing. It follows that everything you respond to is a word, 100% of the time, 7/24, without exception. It’s all you respond to, at the exclusion of everything else.
Though this surprises many word-users, there’s nothing new about it. You’ve responded to nothing but words since your first day at school, and you haven’t stopped since.
You respond to your most pressing wants all the time, 7/24, regardless of how you describe them. Whether your most pressing want right now is to breathe, to eat, to sleep, to work, to get distracted, to catch a plane, to find your keys or toilet paper, to take drugs, to break rules, to sing a song, to be offended, or to stay alive — makes no difference. You’ve responded to your most pressing wants since day one, and even before that, or you wouldn’t be here now talking about you being energy like everything else under the sun that responds and always finds back to itself.
Some word-users respond to words — that is to stimulus — like professional tennis players respond to tennis balls, while some respond like amateurs, and others respond like beginners.
But regardless of status, if you have an emotional reaction to everything said to you, you suffer because when words control you, that means every word-user can control you, of which there are quite a few more than happy to respond to.
This concludes today’s post. In the days ahead…

…my posts will also be about what you HAVE. Stay tuned for more about you.
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#StimulusResponse #innovation #creativity