The vast expanse of Earth’s past can be written in a simple little formula.
Stimulus, Response.
Creation, Evolution, Invention
The events that have transformed our planet can be described as creations, evolutions, or inventions.
Who says de-scribe says it takes a scribe to de-scribe anything, and the only specie on Earth that uses words to de-scribe creations, evolutions, or inventions are we, the word-users.
Everybody knows that words don’t de-scribe the world, but that words only de-scribe how the word-users de-scribe what we’re looking at.
This is why the events that led up to you and me are de-scribed as creation, evolution, or inventions, that the world is de-scribed as inexistent, flat, round, small, or what’s next, and why you is described as inexistent, ancestor, human, homo sapiens, word-user, or whatever will be next.

Don’t underestimate the impact of words
Don’t underestimate the impact of words on you, which is easily done by those that ignore that everything they know is a word.
Words decide how you see you, and that when you change how you look at words, you change.
Stimulus response
Stimulus and our responses do not only explain what’s going on right now, but they also explain everything that happened in the past 4.65 billion years. By examining the past through the lens of stimulus response, we can understand the otherwise difficult to understand events of the past and how they continue to impact the world today.
The past
When we delve into the past and present, it becomes clear that there is a Before Words and an After Words.

The Before Words has taken up the first 99.9997% of the 4.65 billion years since the invention of Earth.
That means the After Words has been around for the most recent 0.0003% of the 4.65 billion years only.
In other words, the words and word-users have been invented 3/1000th of an Earth-Time second before midnight only.
To see what the words together with the word-users have achieved in these 3/1000th of an Earth-Time second, it’s enough to watch the news.
Past analysis
When we undertake an analysis of what happened in the past 4.65 billion years, we start to see what Vilfredo Pareto already saw 137 years ago, namely that roughly 80% of the responses come from 20% the vital few stimuli (stimuli being the plural of stimulus).

When read from top to bottom, the above depicted events are in complicated ways de-scribed as creation, evolution, or inventions.
But when read from bottom to top, the same events are simply the response to each preceding stimulus.
“Give me a fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections, and you can keep your sterile truths for yourself.” – Vilfredo Pareto
The complicated explanation of the past leads to intricate webs of cause and effect that underlie the stimulus response throughout time, realms, primary sources, scholarly research, subtle nuances, social, cultural, and political dynamics, deep layers of complexity beneath the surface, diverse perspectives, psychology, multifaceted responses, beliefs, adversity, ideologies, and comprehensive narratives that shed light on the motivations of creation, evolution, or inventions depending on how this chain of events that led to today — including the Before Words and the After Words — is de-scribed.
To each their own. I think inventions de-scribes it best when I’m the scribe.
The beauty of simple
Down the path less traveled it’s obvious that each step is simply the response to the preceding.
In this way, the beauty of simplicity that emerges.
Among the chaos, we find that the most impactful events — such as the invention of the words which revolutionized evolution — are rooted in the simple yet powerful formula of “Stimulus, Response”.
This simple formula is the driving force behind all creation, evolution, and inventions.
The beauty of simplicity is not limited to the Before Words (99.9997% of Earth Time) or the After Words (0.0003% of Earth Time) but can be observed across the entire 4.65 billion years since the invention of Earth.
It applies equally to the invention of the brains in response to the earlier invention of the eyes, as to the invention of liberty-equality-fraternity in response to the French revolution.
By embracing simplicity, we gain a better understanding of how it all began, of what happened since the beginning, and of what’s going on as we speak.
The beauty of simple reminds us that intelligence is not within us, in our heads, but without us, in the energy of the fire, air, earth and water that invented Earth and everything that followed, including us.
Should you against all expectations not sing along to this hymn of all things simple, then perhaps the things that others are saying about simple may motivate you to join the choir.