We are the only specie on Earth that talks.
And writes.
Because we have a word for everything we know.
If we hadn’t, we’d be like the 9 million animal species — too many to count — that have remained wordless to this day, wordless meaning they neither write nor talk.
The 9 billion of us — and counting — are the only ones that talk and write on Earth.
The difference
The difference between the wordless animals and us is we’re on top of the food chain, second to none, no other specie even close, no end in sight.
All because of words.
Yet we don’t value the words.
We only value the meanings of words for without they don’t make sense.
To believe that words make sense presupposes words have the organs required. But they don’t (have any organs). The one with the organs — the sensational one — is you and me, the word-users, and 9 billion like you and me spread all over the wor(l)d.
Everything we know is a word. Nothing is no exception. Yet a word alone doesn’t mean a thing.
Take nothing
It’s meaningless.
But with meaning attached, nothing means different things to different word-users at different times.
Why is that?
Words are how we aim at what we’re looking for
You can call words are dream, it doesn’t change anything.
“Words become works.” – Seneca
“What a word is, a sentence cannot say.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Using words to talk of words is like using a pencil to draw a picture of itself, on itself.” – Patrick Rothfuss
What others are saying about words

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