If you want to know what’s going on, you must accept the fact there’s a Before Words (BW) and an After Words (AW).

Collectively, the split between BW and AW happened 13,750 years ago. Back then, the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice.
You remember from personal experience that for you, the split between the Before Words and the After Words took place after you spoke your first between the ages of 1 to 6 (average).
This is what the illustration above shows. The picture includes WORD-USERS.
I hear you, what in the world are word-users?
Well, word-users are animals that use words, which includes you, me, and about 9 billion like you and me.
While 9 billion may seem like a big number, we are the one and only word-using animal specie on the planet.
Another 8.7 million or 8.7 billion animal species co-exist with us, say the AI and internet, which makes it clear that not only I, but also AI and internet, have no a clue what species is supposed to be.
Is species a good way to tell the word-using us apart from the millions or billions species that remain wordless to this day?
I don’t know what you believe, but I don’t think so.
I wonder whether the wordless energy, fire, air, wind, water, electricity, rocks, mountains, cells, and plants — such as trees, flowers, and mushrooms, to name a few — are included in the species?
Not only that, but they have remained wordless to this day, which has me wonder, what do the wordless know that we ignore?
To summarise
To help each other understand what’s going on, the attempt to separate by species is hopeless and forlorn.
To know what’s going on, I find it helps to separate evolution into Before Words and After Words, and the species into the wordful (us) and the wordless (everything except us).
Near as I can tell, it helps me and others know what’s going on better than other methods I know of.
I’d love to hear from you, being curious to know what’s going on, what works for you?
Let me know in the comments below.
Thank you in advance.
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Before Words, After Words, word-users, wordless species, history, #BeforeWords #AfterWords #Evolution #WordUsers #WordlessSpecies #UnderstandingTheWorld #NewPerspective