If you believe there are ONLY 3 STORIES of how it all began…
- Story 1: In the beginning is creation by fictional characters.
- Story 2: In the beginning is a big bang.
- Story 3: In the beginning is evolution.
…you’ve been shammed, also known as taken for a fool.
By those in the know since words were new — 13,750 years ago, when the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice — you’ve been taken for a fool that refuses to believe that it doesn’t matter whether a story genuinely happened or not, that the only thing that matters it’s believed.
Those in the know since words were new, know that in the beginning is the word.
The word is in the beginning not only in terms of the 3 stories above, but also in the story of you, me, and the approximately 9 billion other word-users in the world.
They each know from personal experience that we didn’t come into this world with words, that we had to learn them first. And if the story of words were told at school, we’d each also know that there’s a Before Words and After Words in the story of Earth.
As it is, many word-users don’t see a word even when looking at it in broad daylight or under a microscope.
So here’s a way to see each and every word even with your eyes closed:
- When you have a word for it, it’s a word.
- When you know it, it’s word.
- Call it a dream, it doesn’t change anything.
- What a word is, a sentence cannot say.
- Describing words by using words is like using a pencil to draw a picture of itself, on itself.
Stop being shammed
None of the 3 stories told at schools all over the world genuinely happened.
Whether you believe them or not is all up to you.
No other word or word-user can make the decision for you.
But when you’re sick and tired of being shammed and taken for a fool, believe the only story that did genuinely happens: In the beginning is the word.
Without the word in the beginning, creation by fictional characters, bangs of any size, and evolution don’t exist, meaning we wouldn’t be talking about those 3 stories as we speak.
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#OriginHumanity #IntheBeginning #PowerofWords #Shammed #WordsofWisdom #Wordusers #StoryofWords #PerspectiveShift #WordPower #TrueBeginning