The first time you knew you is a word is when you learned words.
You knew from the start that everything is a word and that you is no exception, but you didn’t know what you meant until you realised it means you.
If you follow me on LinkedIn, you meanwhile know that it’s not just you, but that everything else you have a word for and know is a word too.
Even though the preachers, professors, and teachers that preach, profess, and teach at school don’t love the facts. On the contrary, they love preaching, professing, and teaching what’s been preached, professed, and taught before, the safe way to keep education revolution at bay for thousands of years with no end in sight.
Those same preachers, professors, and teachers are now describing you for the internet and artificial intelligence, so that when you ask your smartphone what you is, it will tell you as told by the said preachers, professors, and teachers. See below (yup, I’ve done the hard work for you so you don’t have to):
WIKIPEDIA: “See also: Thou. “You” and “Your” are not to be confused with U, Ewe, Yew, or Ure. In Modern English, the word “you” is the second-person pronoun. It is grammatically plural, and was historically used only for the dative case, but in most modern dialects is used for all cases and numbers. Look up you, yours, your, yourself, or yourselves in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.”
OXFORD LEARNER’S DICTIONARY: “you pronoun. Idioms used as the subject or object of a verb or after a preposition to refer to the person or people being spoken or written to. You said you knew the way. I thought she told you. Can I sit next to you? I want both of you to help. I don’t think that hairstyle is you.”
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE What is you?: “I am an AI language model created by OpenAI, designed to assist with a variety of tasks such as answering questions, providing information, and engaging in conversation. How can I help you today?”
Have preachers, professors, and teachers written this? Could it be the work of 6 year olds high on drugs? You be the judge, to each their own.
That said…
- In the beginning is the word.
- A word couldn’t be anything else if it tried.
- Words do not matter.
- If you have a word for it, it’s a word.
- If you know it, it’s a word.
- Words are yours.
- Words are how word-users aim at what they’re looking for.
- Words are a prison.
- Words are the limits of your world.
- A word is never another.
- Words sit on our noses, as it were, as glasses, and everything we look at, we see through them.
- Call words a dream, it doesn’t change anything.
Believing that a word could be anything else if it tried, or that words matter, presupposes they have the organs required, which they don’t. The ones with the organs required to do what word-users do with words are the word-users.
Words are yours because no one else can think your words for you.
Even a prison is a home if you have the key.
To say a word is a word is meaningless, to say of two words that they are identical is nonsense, and to say of one word that it is identical with itself is to say nothing.
It’s impossible to deny a word except by confirming it, that is by using it.
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