Don’t know how to see you? Here’s an evergreen piece of advice.
Do you have a hard time to see you for what it is? Here’s an evergreen piece of advice.
If you already know that everything is a word, then I’m bringing you the equivalent of yesterday’s news, meaning you’re already eager to zap away. But if you don’t know words, do you sometimes come across opinions you don’t share? What do you do?
I know from personal experience that zapping away isn’t always the solution. So hang in there. The average reading time is only 3 minutes.
Let’s begin.
If you have a hard time to see you for what it is, it’s because words are like glasses on your nose that render you blind to the fact that everything you see is a word.
Call it insane, call it a paradox, or call it a dream, it doesn’t change anything. Everything you’re looking at, you see through these glasses that render you blind to the fact that everything you see is a word.
It’s not a new phenom. On the contrary, it’s been going on for thousands of years, in fact, since the beginning of words 13,750 years ago.
Despite this, if you’re anything like me, you don’t take your word-glasses off, hence you’re blown away when confronted with the fact that you is a word for the first time.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll refuse to believe it. How can it be true?
We all know that for average word-user, nothing is believed until it’s true. So if that’s you, it might take a while to believe.
You is a word
Expressed in a simple formula: “You=Word”.
It can be denied only by confirming it. In other words, every time you use you, you’re in fact confirming it.
Every time you use you — aloud or in self-talk — it describes what you speak to, which could be a word-user, yourself or another, or a wordless animal, or a plant, or the sun, or anything else in the whole wide universe.
That means you better know what you’re talking to, before you open your mouth.
But no matter what you’re talking about, you will always be identical:

No matter what, there will always be a difference between what you is, does, and has.
At the risk of repeating myself, better know what you’re talking about before you open your mouth.
There’s a way out
Words are a prison, but even a prison is a home when you have the key.
The key is you must forget the word of what you’re looking at.
When you do that, you will see there’s a difference between knowing the word of something and knowing something.
For example, you can know tree in all the words of the world, but when you’re finished, you’ll know absolutely nothing whatever about the tree. Therefore, simply forget the word of what you’re looking at. See what the tree is doing instead — to see it’s the only thing that counts.
To see again, forget the word of what you’re looking at.
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