Many word-users are still in doubt about what they are.
The perfect storm
It seems the perfect storm is upon us.
“Nothing endures but change. Change alone is unchanging.” – Heraclitus
Sure, but right now things are changing faster than ever before and artificial intelligence is just another spike in the wheel of change that’s turning at incredible speed as we speak.
Perfectly unprepared in their abilities to respond, an ever-increasing number of word-users don’t have a clue of what the changes are, let alone how to keep up with them.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin
All this for a simple reason.
Word-users in large numbers don’t remember where their ability to respond comes from.
Ashes to ashes
“Ashes to ashes” and alternatively “dust to dust” are the most successful and longest-lasting lies ever repeated, to ensure all listeners believe it, even the liars themselves, with no end in sight.
Once a lie is a habit, everybody knows what that means.
You can’t tell the difference between what is and what is not.
If that’s you
If you can’t tell the difference between the lie and what is, you might take comfort in knowing that you are energy, fire, air, earth, and water.
By stating what is (as opposed to a lie), my days as a member of the “Popular Word-Users Club” are numbered. I know and accept it as the price to pay for stating what is contrary to lies.
As you might guess, I don’t care much for popular belief for it was adopted long ago with no thought and that’s where lies got us.
I don’t mean the world, as beautiful as ever. I mean what we’re doing to it. And to each other.
“There is a war between the rich and poor.
There is a war between the man and the woman.
There is a war between the left and right.
There is a war between the black and white.
There is a war between the odd and the even.
There is a war between the ones who say there is a war and the ones who say there isn’t.”
– Leonard Cohen
“Currently, man is waging war against nature. If he wins, he is lost.” – Hubert Reeves
The subject matter is quite well-known.
Everything being energy it’s only natural that our planet has been created by the energy of the sun transformed into the four elements that created our planet — the fire, air, earth, and water.
Everything after that, also known as evolution, is also the work of fire, air, earth, and water.

With the exception of WORDS, but that’s a different story entirely that I’ll get around to telling another day.
That means you are energy, fire, air, earth, and water, too.
Among other things, it means that you are intelligent.
Where do you think your intelligence comes from?
You had the intelligence to make yourself from scratch when you were still just a single cell that split itself in two. Despite that, do you think your intelligence comes from books or from what you learned at school?
Or do you think your intelligence is in your head and can be measured?
When I was just a child, many moons ago, I thought so too.
I thought my intelligence was in my head in the same way as music was in the radio. So I took my mum’s knitting needles and stuck them into my family’s then-modern radio. Convinced that there was a tiny symphony orchestra inside that tiny radio, I believed my innovative use of my mum’s knitting needles would sooner or later cause someone to screech “Stop it! It hurts!”
I didn’t.
In the meantime, I learned why that is.
Your intelligence is the intelligence of the energy in the fire, air, earth, and water in you, yet it’s not within you. On the contrary, it’s without you and cannot be measured.
Intelligence is infinite.
And so are you.
“If you make friends with yourself, you will never be alone.” – Maxwell Maltz
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