Until recently, the purpose of organisations — religions, kings, queens, states, family, or criminal — was to benefit themselves exclusively.
But that isn’t true anymore.
Because things have changed 162 years ago when these organisations were founded: The Red Cross (founded 162 years ago), The Nobel Prizes (130 years ago), The Modern Olympic Games (129 years ago), and The United Nations (80 years ago).
For the first time since the invention of words — 13,750 years ago, when the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice — select organisations don’t benefit themselves, but they now benefit the world’s 9 billion word-users instead.
That kind of makes you wonder what’s been the purpose of words until 131 years ago, doesn’t it?
Had the purpose of words been to divide? If so, what organisation decides the purpose of words? For one that has researched the story of words since 2016, I can tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt such an organisation doesn’t exist. But even if it did, it wouldn’t make a Dickie bird of a difference because if it’s not you that decides the purpose of your words, then you will never have words working for you. And everybody knows you can’t win with a losing hand.
For these and other reasons I now ask about the purpose of words again, this time in survey you’re encouraged to take part, “The purpose of words”, which you’ll find at https://forms.gle/PPFApJAEFDbZLbHc7 There is no risk involved as the survey is anonymous. No email addresses or personal data will be collected.
Thanks a bunch for partaking in the purpose of words survey in advance 🙂