The next time a word-user starts telling you everything it knows isn’t a word, ask it what that is without naming it.
I should know it’s impossible because in my workshops, I ask groups of word-users if anything they know isn’t a word, and in a heartbeat, without thinking twice, they start convincing themselves and each other that’s not true (only to then change their convictions, that’s what my workshops are for).
Fact, nothing is believed until it’s true, and what to believe is a question of character and personal preference, to each their own. There’s nothing that can be done about it. Arthur Schopenhauer said it better than I ever could.
“All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
It’s not just about the meanwhile 9 billion and counting world-wide population of word-users out there, it’s about you and me, too. We’re all in this together. We each have a word for everything, even for what we don’t have a word for, and for everything we know. To pretend otherwise while using that word is absurd.
Makes you wonder why so many word-users are, doesn’t it?
“In the beginning is the word.” – The word-masters
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