What you pursue and what you avoid determines the life of your dreams or a life of problems, distractions, struggle, and chaos.
Arrive somewhere on purpose, or arrive like a rolling stone, with no direction home.
If given a chance, which of the two would you rather pursue?
The difference between the two lives is not what you think.
The difference between the two is what you feel.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not what you think that determines what you pursue and what you avoid, which in turn determines the life you’re experiencing as you read these lines.
What you go after and what you avoid is determined by what you feel.

Your feelings, not your thoughts, determine what you pursue and what you avoid, the results you achieve, what the result means to you, and the circle begins anew.
It’s not just about you of course, we’re all in this together.
We buy our cars, smart phones, branded clothing, or vacations not based on what we think, but based on what the purchases when completed make us feel.
It’s never about the product. It’s always about what the product makes us feel. We justify with logic but we always buy with feelings. It should come as no surprise that the control of your feelings is a global, trillion-dollar industry.
The majority of word-users believe that thinking is the winner and that feeling is a mere also-ran. If you belong to the majority, you don’t allow you to feel on a regular basis, a big mistake because what you feel, and what manifests, is always a match.
Don’t think your feelings.
Feel them instead!
Most important, decide your feelings well.

Animals were invented 600,000 years ago. It took another 586,250 years for words and word-users to get invented too. You too felt long before you spoke your first (word).
Long story short, feelings are (much) older than words.
How old are feelings exactly? Nobody knows, but to imagine the five wordless elements that created Earth — energy, To think the five elements that created Earth — energy, fire, air, earth, and water — don’t feel is ridiculous at best., and water — don’t feel is grotesque at best.
After all, we’re 100% energy, 70% water, and 30% fire-air-earth ourselves.
Word-users are animals but we’re not the only ones. There a 9 million other animal species on Earth — too many to count — that feel like us. But unlike us, the other animals are wordless. We’re unique because we’re the only animal that feels and uses words at the same time.
Feelings are old, nobody knows how old exactly, while words were invented only 13,750 years ago when the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice.
We’ve used those 13,750 years to invented over 300 words for what you can feel, with probably more getting added as we speak. By the way, what you feel s about the feeling while how you feel is about the feeling’s intensity.

More is the order of the day. Whatever we have is never enough. We can always come up with reasons why more feels better. Case in point, we always want more words, more feelings, and more word-users. When there’s over 300 feelings on offer, it’s time to decide. So among the 300 on offer, decide one a feeling at a time. After that, change it only when you’re no longer happy the feeling decided.
Feelings exist only the now. They are felt instantly, faster than you can say felt. Therefore, don’t make the common mistake of thinking about your feelings because by the time they’re thought about now is gone.
- “If you are depressed you are living in the past, if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are in the present.” – Lao Tzu
- “The eternal life is given to those who live in the present.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
Don’t think your feelings.
Feel them!
Your feelings are not yours, they belong and are shared by everything. The feeling you feel now might feel new but it’s already been experienced by someone in your family tree.
Facts don’t change feelings, only a new feelings can do that.
Instead of getting distracted by 300 feelings on offer, keep it simple.
Decided to feel either good or bad, not just once, but for the rest of your days, till death does you part. In this way you avoid the common mistake of making the same decision over and over again.
If between feeling good and bad you’re not sure which is which, ask any 7-year old. It will tell you without thinking twice.
What would have to happen for you to feel what you are do and have with enthusiasm, to focus on your successes, to see you with kind eyes come rain or shine, to thank the universe for being alive (what many others no longer enjoy), to fear danger, not fear, to know what you’re trying to achieve is already done?
Whatever it is, envision the best case scenario with everything is going your way, with you not missing a thing worth having, with you pursuing and avoiding at your own chosen speed.
Imagine in a year from now.
What will you feel?
Feel it now.
Nobody else and no other word can feel it for you.
Can you trust your feelings? Well, feelings are part of your six common senses and like each of your common senses, they can be fooled. You can be wrong but so it is with all of your common senses.
If you don’t trust your feelings, what will?
You can feel every feeling you have a word for, including adventure, optimist, pessimist, boring, unique, ecstasy, safe, insecure, serene, peace, war, good or bad.
For the bright side of life you might have to wait, but for feeling it now, all it takes is the bright word.
It didn’t take our ancestors long to figure out words that make their audience feel superior draw larger crowds than words that made the audience feel inferiority. The time of our ancestors is long gone, but given their sheer number, words now play an even bigger role, Now we use words and buy stuff for the sole purpose of feeling superior to the wordless animals and of course also to each other.
What decides your feelings?
If it’s not you, I think you’ve got urgent important work to do.
Always carry two feelings with you, yours and the feelings of others. To feel your own feelings takes courage. To accept the feelings of others takes consideration. Be sure to always carry the two, courage and consideration.
If you act only if you feel like it, the antidote is keep your word. Keep your word means you also act when you don’t feel like it, which invariably leads to the life of your dreams.
We meanwhile have a word for everything we have a word for and for everything you know. That means you respond to words 100% of the time.
What you feel about words?
How do words make you feel?
Keep in mind you is a word, too.
Word-users never reveal all of their feelings. We play hide and seek and don’t simply blurt out what we feel 24 hours a day, If we did, not only would we be too busy but somebody else’s feelings might get hurt in the process. So we better plan for the long haul and when we do that, both sides benefit. And a key part of our contribution to harmony is the willingness to conceal feelings that would undermine the efforts of our partners. There’s a lot to be said for courage and consideration, but concealment of feelings can be a generous tool if it helps everyone get on their way.
Every child and fake its feelings. It’s not something we have to learn. We might even find feeling bad attracts more attention than feeling good, and before we know it, feeling good is just another option. Big mistake because when we’re feeling good, we get more done.
Can water sense your feelings?
You bet
You’re 70% water.
Can bees?
Ask any beekeeper.
Can cats, dogs, and horses?
You know the answer.
Can other people?
Have a guess.
If water, bees, cats, dogs, horses can sense your feelings, and if foxes, models of adaptability, use their own noses rather than other foxes noses, don’t you think it’s important for you to decide your feelings well?
No-one else and no other word can decide for you.
If not now, then when?
For what others are saying about feelings, open my ebook of quotes worth reading twice.

It’s free for you to keep and be inspired by, a small thank on my part for having read to the end of this heart-felt article.