When things are upside down, that is when what’s happening in the world without you defines what’s going on in the universe within you, then you exist as others have decided for you, as opposed to what you have decided for yourself.
The alternative is to stand your ground. Have what’s going on within you determine what’s going on without you. The alternative is to turn the tables.
The choices — also known as options, possibilities, and opportunities — are infinite. You can wake up and complain. Or you can wake up grateful for another day of energy and time. The energy you manage, but time is given to you.
Everything in the world has the same amount of time as everything else. Nothing has more or less. If 24 hours a day isn’t good enough for you, there’s nothing time can do for you, only gratitude can. The more successful you become, the more overscheduled you become. There are events to attend, maybe last night you wanted to be with your family instead. As that kind of thing happens all the time, you have to stay on track and not be distracted so it’s not a waste of time. If you’re anything like me, you’d like to have some freedom of movement rather than having every minute of every day scheduled.
You can embark on a journey of ease and end up with a little of either, or you can embark on a journey of service and adventure. Which of those two, when your time is up, are you gonna be more proud of?
No matter how good we are, we can still be better.
No matter how good you are, you can still be better.
Fact is, everything comes with overhead. That’s how the cards are dealt. Everything comes with pieces you don’t like. You could be the world’s best tennis player and still not like pieces of the job, or you could be a farmer and still dislike parts of your work. Every job comes with pieces you don’t like. That’s just a part of it. Don’t try to minimize or resent the disliked pieces of whatever your work may be.
There’s this false idea that CEOs are under the most stress. Why? On the contrary, CEOs should have the least stress because when you’re the CEO you’re in charge. You are the CEO on your ship. Why don’t you delegate the stress? It’s your decision.
You’re never gonna be great at anything if you don’t love your work. A young person should always find something that they’re passionate about doing. Even before you start your career, think about the infinite choices and don’t get fixed on your gifts. I made this mistake too.
Everybody has gifts. Maybe you’re beautiful. Maybe you’re good at mathematics, dance, or music. But because these are gifts, they can confuse you. Gifts are not the things that sail your ship. You don’t make gifts, you make decisions. You can celebrate your gifts and be proud and happy for them. But they were given to you. You didn’t earn them. You can only be proud of the things you earn. As I get older, I’m not proud of my gifts anymore. School was easy for me, I got straight A’s at almost anything…until I forgot about the gift. That’s when I realised that’s not who I was, but those are gifts given to me for free. What was hard for me was deciding to use my gifts in certain ways, to challenge myself to do things that I didn’t think I could do, to put myself into uncomfortable situations, to take risks, and to get outside of my comfort zone.
While some events are outside your control, it is within you to capitalize on them. From among the infinite possibilities, you can decide on a journey of ease and comfort, or you can decide on a journey of service and adventure.
Which one of those will you be more proud of when you’re time is up?
“The trouble is, you think you have time.” – Buddha
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