Before rushing headlong into the trap set by word-users out to control you, I think the better strategy is a timeout.
Take a break to ask yourself what happiness is instead:
- Is happiness a 352-page book?
- Is happiness a word?
- Is happiness yours to decide?
That’s right.
Happiness is number 2, a word, and number 3, yours to decide.
Happiness is no exception to the fact every word — that is everything you know and believe — is yours to decide
Happiness is your decision
How you decide is all up to you. No-one else and no other word can decide for you. You can go for Decision A or Decision B.
Decision A)
You decide “I am HAPPY to be alive.” If so, it’s alright if you have to get used to it. Take your time for Decision A comes with more benefits than you’ll ever know:
The decision is a no-brainer, easy to make without thinking twice. Your happiness will last forever and a day. You are in control, the captain on your ship, and the internet, smartphones, and AI are not. You will never have to wonder if you’re happy again. You will never have to make the same decision again. Many other decisions are made at the same time. Happiness attracts more happy circumstances. You’ll never have to look up happiness on the internet, your smartphone, or AI again.
Decision B)
You decide “I am NOT HAPPY to be alive” — a privilege many other word-users no longer enjoy. If so, there’s nothing being alive can do for you. Only gratitude can.
The downside of Decision B): Your happiness depends on which way the wind does blow. You must decide “Am I happy?” over and over again, sometimes several times a day. This will wear you out in the long run and guarantees the defeat of the purpose.
If being alive doesn’t make you happy, I suggest you mingle with word-users that find something better than death anywhere.
It’s important to know
It’s important to know what you’re looking for — the purpose of words. Therefore it’s important you define your words, happiness included, and not the internet, your smartphone, or AI.
Everybody knows belief is a question of character, experience, and personal preferences — to each their own.
It’s alright to believe happiness is a 352-page book. If so, good luck finding it. Or you may believe it’s better to believe the internet, your smartphone, or AI, than to believe you. If so, what controls you? What decides when you’re happy and when you’re not?
Decide to be happy for no reason!
Decide now, knowing if you’re happy with a reason, you’re in trouble because that reason can be taken away from you.
- “Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all.” – Buddha
What others are saying
For what others are saying, here’s the link to an ebook of quotes worth reading twice.

The book is free for you to keep and be inspired by, compliments SchindlersWord.com
If you struggle with happiness or with what’s going on, you can book one of my 1 on 1 calls. I look forward to getting to know you over a virtual cup of coffee during which we’ll together find out how I can help you with bespoke solutions for a better life. My simple method will transform you only in ways you want to be transformed.
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