With a fresh crisis brewing, word-users feel and and respond in ways that may include fear, anxiety, stress, confused, angry, frustrated, sad, grief, resilient, strong, determined, solidarity, or hope, to name a few. In other words, reactions to a crisis can vary greatly, to each their own, depending on the type of crisis brewing — your health, an accident, the lack of room to move, the loss of a loved one, job loss, financial, a war in your country, the state the world is in, or anything else you have a word for.
When faced with a crisis, if you are resilient, strong, determined, or in solidarity, I’ve got fabulous news for you.
Resilient, strong, determined, or solidarity is the only way to feel and respond to a crisis, and here’s why.
Had you not survived every crisis to-date, you wouldn’t be here.
Not only did you survive every crisis to-date, but you’ve done so with a 100% success rate to boot.
That’s because in in crisis mode, you are, as it were, with your back against the wall, and with your back against the wall you don’t decide based on what you know.
In crisis mode, back against the wall, you forget what you know and decide based exclusively on what you re-member only.
Hence the 100% success rate you enjoyed so far.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish for you and me that it may continue to last forever and a day, knowing it won’t.
The best thing about crises is they are devastating only if you believe they’ll last forever.
With your 100% success rate in the past, you know from personal experience they never do.
Why wait for a next crisis?
You can focus on a small sphere and achieve the 100% success rate anytime — if that’s what you want.
Follow me. I don’t wait for crises anymore. I keep my word and create my own. And enjoy it, too.
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#CrisisManagement #personaldevelopment #motivation #word