I am, believe it or not, one of the least optimistic word-user you’ll meet.
Like everybody else, I see what’s going on and I want to scream. But what I see most of all is the word-users in a war against nature that if we win, we lose.
Screaming will help no more since we’ll be extinct. The Earth will be owned by the wordless again, as has been the case for the first 99.9997% of the time since the invention of the planet we’re all passengers on, the wordless and the wordful alike.
If we win our war against nature, words will disappear and together with the words also you and me and the schools we built for the preaching and teaching of words.
Yet here I am
Yet here I am, in part inspired by Edith Wharton’s “there are two ways of spreading light. Be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
Because I have word-users that depend on me, I therefore keep my word, don’t give up, and have a vision to make come true — to get the story of words told at school.
There’s no need to be a candle or light, the candlemakers and sun are taking care of that. So I stand instead on the shoulders of word-users that went before me, doing my best to mirror Ludwig Wittgenstein’s light:
“Call words a dream, it does not change anything.”
If all it took to replace the old models with a new was for me to express myself, I’d go and ring a bell in a public square.
But getting the story of words told at school isn’t as simple as that.
Words were invented 13,750 years ago
…when the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice.
Back then, the invention of words revolutionised evolution. Radically. More than any other event before or since.
I’m not saying the words can do it again.
All I’m saying is give words a chance.
One more time, please.
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