The word-using animals have the wrong impression of the not-word-using animals.
With this result: We have the equally wrong impression of ourselves.
In the beginning is the word
Fact, the children of all animals — whether word-using or not — arrive into this world wordless. After that, they communicate wordlessly until the age of 1 and 6 (average).
It’s only after the age of 1 and 6 (average) that our children begin to communicate with the words learned from their parents, siblings, friends or smartphones, or at kindergarten and school.
Once they’ve added words to the mix of the many wordless means of communication — which of course we also possess — we’re able to develop the most advanced technology in the universe, or so it gets told at school.
But to believe our tech is second to none is a mistake because it doesn’t even begin to compare to the technologies of the energy, fire, air, earth and water, to name a few.
Words are a mirror
Words are a mirror and when a moron looks in, you cannot expect a sage to look out.
With only a few sages around, we — internet, smartphones, and AI included — have the wrong impression of what we are.
Thanks to our technology, we have arrived on top of the food chain. That means we are exempt from the eat-or-be-eaten rule in the world of the wordless animals.
Every word-user knows we’re not eaten by wordless animals anymore, with the exception of the occasional shark, crocodile, and tiger of course.
13,750 years
The words and word-users have been invented 13,750 years ago. In those 13,750 years we’ve not stopped to kill, or slaughter, or eliminate by means yet to be invented, the wordless animals.
When that’s not good enough, we use pesticides or put them in cages or parks
To stay on top of the food chain, we tell ourselves the only thing that counts is victory. Efforts have become a means to this end and failures and mistakes things to feel sorry about.
Victory alone counts
But at closer look we still behave like the animals we are.
With an exception we ought to pay attention to: We behave worse than the wordless animals.
We are currently in a war against nature.
If we win, we lose.
Is this the purpose of words?