In less than 3 weeks, I’ll host my first Limitless Opportunities seminar
Who’d have thought so seven years ago?
It’s been seven years since I decided to dedicate my work to words.
7 years ago, no one thought that I’d host my first words-based seminar on October 1st, 2023, least of all myself.
And almost no one has been interested. I’m not exaggerating as I was able to count the number of interested word-users on the five fingers of one hand.
Yet I slave away until I fall simply because I recognise the treasure I have in front of me.
It doesn’t matter that I’m the only one. It doesn’t matter to me.
When the day is over, that’s all that counts.
I would rather experience one year of intense happiness than have the happiness spread over my whole existence.
Well, my wish has been granted, for I now had my intense happiness spread over seven years instead of just one.
Now I am left with duty.
Nothing predestines me for such a task.
The discovery that in the beginning is the word only costs and brings in zilch, not even the cost price.
It is against all reason. At times I feel sad. Temporarily. At my age, it’s hard to start something new.
The origin of humanity
The key to understanding the origin of humanity, in fact, the key to understanding everything you have a word for, including you, as well as the key to understanding everything you and I know, without exception, it’s in The Origin of Humanity for everybody to see. In a nutshell, as opposed to in a book, here it is for everybody to see beyond the shadow of a doubt:
In the beginning is the word
There’s never been anything like it.
It’s the only key you and I will ever need. The key to everything, including nothing.
You will never look back for you will see there’s never been anything like it.
There shall never be anything like it again.
As many word-users as possible
My passion is to show it and make sure it convinces as many word-users as possible. I do everything I can to fulfill this task.
How can I lead my fellow word-users to realise what a treasure they have in front of them, but can’t seem to see?
Especially the influential know-it-alls, and the religionists who read only one book, who together boast about their superior knowledge about how it all began.
This contempt is not new. I have rebelled against convention and authority throughout my existence.
Much of what I began, I broke off.
And paid the price.
And until 2016, it’s proven to be of no use.
Now is different
But words still don’t find an audience.
So every time that happens, I change my tactics.
I will not rest.
Describe me as a goofball nice to have around or whatever else comes to mind, but I can respect and understand that it annoys the other word-users when I get on their nerves with a subject they know nothing about.
Assume I’m a nobody, a romantic, a naive, or that getting advice from me is the equivalent of being measured by the undertaker, that I’m patronising and contemptuous with the pessimistic stance comparable only to my co-pessimistic co-word-users, or that in the beginning is the word is nothing more than kid’s talk.
I am sadly aware of it.
I might well at once be too simple and too subtle for the contemporary mind shared by the defenders of the status quo.
I will never be fully understood, except by the happy people — the children that haven’t already gone through the homogenizing hopper called school into which we toss our integral tots to be taught falsehoods from the start.
Work keeps me in balance
I dream of being the one who helps the new way of looking at words to break through worldwide.
That’s how I want to go when my time will have come.
But until then, now that The Origin of Humanity is out, I will do my best at a seminar at a time, with the first you may want to attend coming up on October 1st, 2023.
My view — on the origin of everything, this is on in the beginning is the word — will probably scare all those who normally get their money’s worth from the established views defended by the church/es and state/s.
My seminars are intended for those who still believe what can be grasped immediately is not always of the greatest quality.
All that glitters is not gold.
Furthermore, it is addressed to all those who admire my work, and also to those who already believe in my passion but are not yet convinced of my work.