Not sure what you’re made of?
Well, different things are said about you depending on what is saying them.
Your smart phone says
“You the second-person pronoun.” – Wikipedia
“You can refer to one or more people and is used as the subject of a verb or the object of a verb or preposition.” – Collins Dictionary
“You the one or ones being addressed.” – The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
“You the person or people being spoken or written to.” – The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary
“You the dative and accusative plural of þu.” – Etymology Online
“You About 25’270’000’000 results (0.43 seconds).” – Google
“You I am ChatGPT, an AI language model created by OpenAI.” – chat.openai.com
I say
- “You is an English word.”
- “You is what English-speaking word-users use to describe you.”
Nothing happens
Nothing happens until it is believed, and nothing is believed until it is true.
It’s not just about you.
All of these are true:

Whether you believe your smart phone or me doesn’t make a difference to me.
It also doesn’t change you.
It only changes how you look at you.
That’s how the cards are dealt.
What to believe is a question of character and personal preference, to each their own.
There’s nothing new about it. It’s been that way since the beginning of words.
You = Word
That you is a word can be denied only by confirming it.
You cannot use you without using it.
You are, do, and have.

What you are, do, and have are different stories, not different yous.
This post is about what you are, so let’s forget about what you do and what you have for now.
You are
Different things are said about what you are depending on what is saying them.
Ashes to ashes
Word-users that read only one book say you are ashes to ashes dust to dust.
Why do they lie? Well, the subject matter is quite well-known.
The one book these word-users read is designed to instill fear, so it’s only natural that those that believe in fear should instill fear too.
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust is designed to make you believe that’s where and how you began and where and how you’ll end. At the risk of repeating myself, the subject matter is quite well-known.
The origin of humanity
The author of THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY, I say you are made of the same elements that the planet is made of. Because there are no other elements to be found anywhere.

Naturally, so is everything that follows evolution.
Naturally, that includes you.
A closer look reveals you are 70% water, 30% fire-air-earth, and 100% cells.
The numbers don’t add up. Don’t worry, they will when they come together over you.

Like your ancestor, your body weight is 70% water.
Like our ancestor, you’re Nature’s child.
Like our ancestor, you’re an animal with words.
Unless the first that spoke the first (word) was a butterfly, a plant, a tree, a mountain, a lake, or something yet to be discovered.
Water is infinite wisdom.
Some call it intelligence beyond words. The same thing.
“Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?” – Marcel Marceau
Water has the perfect memory, always finds back to itself, and cannot be fooled, created, or destroyed. It responds to being observed before being observed, which means every decision a word-user can make, water has already made it. Water buffers the fluctuations in our planet’s temperature and separates the oceans below from the skies above.
Water to water

Forget the fearmongers.
Forget the ashes to ashes dust to dust bullpoop.
You are 70% water
70% of you is taken care of ahead of time.
It’s a circle game.
Don’t worry
Die happy.
Now or later, there is nothing to be feared.
In the meantime, to keep your inner mounting flame burning takes air.
Make sure you keep breathing.

Thank you for reading. I hope you had a good time. See you again soon.
Like all my posts, today’s contains no true or truth. The only thing you find here is what you’re looking at — words. What you make of them is a different story entirely over which I have no control.