I’m not kidding. Nor am I one to make a new opinion: If you’ve been told in the beginning is 0 (zero), you’ve been SHAMMED. In case you wonder what’s the opposite of SHAMMED, well, it’s genuine. If you’re interested in genuine, and in how you and your family and friends have been shammed for the past 2023 years with no end in sight, then read on. In the beginning As you can see in
July 19, 2023
What to think of “the 1% versus the 99%” much talked about (and chances are it’s not what you think it is)
Or rather what not to think. Because if you think the “1% versus 99%” much talked about these days to divide us, is new, you’re mistaken. “The 1% versus the 99%” is as old as words. To know how old words are, try imagining the time between the birth of Earth and the year 2023 in terms of 100%, instead of in years. It might take a minute or two, to talk from experience, because
If given a chance, could you cope with 155 billion traffic signs, or with 155 billion musical notes, or with 155 billion beliefs, or with 155 billion smells, sights, colours, truths, thoughts, snowflakes, avalanches, or dollars, to name a few? If you don’t expect to cope with 155 billion of anything, even if you lived long enough, then what makes you think you can cope with 155 billion English words? (Forget about the world’s other
You can improve on mistaking words for language with one simple technique: Don’t do it. Mistaking one word for another is the biggest mistake you can make. Therefore, the big advice I have for you, my friend, is this: Don’t do it. I know what I’m talking about. From personal experience. Einstein Maybe you know him, but that’s not who I’m talking about. I’m talking about an altogether different thing, a (Swiss) TV show called Einstein that
Like others before me, I used to struggle on that great big hill of trying to figure out what makes me human. What’s up? What’s going on? I bet you’ve heard those questions before. Then out of the blue, 7 years ago, in 2016, struck by lightning, I realized that human is a word. Nothing has been the same ever since. Of this you can be sure: When you change how you look at words,
For adults, the brain is difficult to understand, but for kids, it’s a no-brainer. That’s because the children are still young enough to recall the time when, still in their mother’s womb, they had no brain. If you’re old or if you’ve forgotten for other reasons, read on and you will understand. In the meantime, don’t let the misconception that having a brain is a prerequisite for intelligence, hold you back from staying forever young.
1. Are you tired of feeling limited by your own beliefs? 2. Do you want to break free from self-imposed limitations and achieve your goals? If that’s you, then these are 2 early warning signs that you should unlock your potential. Join my waitlist to discover how. If not now, then when? Free My program, Limitless Opportunity, is free (no credit card required). But that doesn’t mean it didn’t cost anything. On the contrary, it cost me
July 10, 2023
#BRUTALLY HONEST WARNING#: Words don’t matter
Who am I to tell you that words don’t matter? You can say that as the author of THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY, I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. But of this you may be sure: Words don’t matter. Of course, I may be wrong. I may be wrong simply because different things are said about words, depending on who or what is saying them. With many word-users talking and nobody listening, it’s only