This reminds of wars, football arenas, movie theaters, books, gods, and James Bonds. There are more soldiers, spectators, readers, and believers than governments, players, directors, writers, gods, and James Bonds.
738 million LinkedIn users versus only 3 million that post every week? If my math is equivalent to my writing, that’s telling me that only 0.4% (3 million) of LinkedIn users post weekly, versus 99.6% (735 million) that are merely fence-sitting spectators.
Unfair advantage? Who said what’s going on is fair?
Being one of the 735 million LinkedIn users that post on a weekly basis, I’m posting daily, five days a week.
I should be sleepin’ like a log, but instead I say using LinkedIn without taking action is like one hand clapping.
One hand clapping: Zero presence, zero sound, zero change, zero helping others.
Might as well be sleepin’ like a log.
Taking advantage of your unfair advantage?
Free for the taking no less.
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