What word-users do with their moments and how they use their eyes is what separates the many from the few.
The few
For the few that are masters of their moments and use their eyes to see words for what they are, the moments are magic.
They know in the end everything will be alright and if it ain’t alright it ain’t the end.
The many
For the many, their moments and words are on a roller-coaster between clear and murky that drives them up the wall.
They ignore what it takes to accept the things they cannot change, to change the things they can, and the difference between the two.
They also forget they end up back where they began, in the wordless state.
All together now
All word-users either control their moments and words, or they are controlled by them.
There is no in-between.
Like the children of all animals, the children of word-users are born wordless too.
Adult word-users usually forget they were born wordless, too.
And their children haven’t yet learned everything they will know later will later be words.
What is on reception?
All word-users are in business but only a few are on reception.
Why do we use eyes to look but not to see, and ears to hear but not to listen?
Why have we — well, some of us — now programmed AI to do the same?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’…but you know that stuff.
If you struggle with AI you can book one of my 1 on 1 calls. I look forward to getting to know you over a virtual cup of coffee during which together we’ll find out how I can help you with bespoke solutions for a better life. My simple method will change you only in ways you wish to change.
If you enjoy my post, consider supporting my work by preordering my upcoming new book, THE MIRACLE OF VISION, from Amazon when it’s available at the beginning of March 2025 with a huge 30% temporary preorder discount. Mark your calendar, now is a great time to take advantage.