Comparing the word-user’s intelligence to our own is an act of delusional trance.
Delusional trance because it’s got nothing to do with intelligence.
If we began to be intelligent again — if we’d got rid of being smart again — then we’d not only know that intelligence is a gift from how it all began, but we’d also know that we’re not the only ones to have received it.
We’d know that the energy, fire, air, earth, and water have received it, too.
- Don’t possess a brain.
- Never spent a day at school.
- Are infinitely more intelligent than the word-users.
- Arrived by space travel from an outer space we barely know the limits of.
- That the energy has been around since before the big bang (in fact, it caused it).
- That the other 4 have been around since before the birth of Earth 4.65 billion years ago (in fact, they created it).
- All 5 cannot be destroyed. Instead they take on different shapes and forms for reason known only to the 5 themselves).
- That they possess the perfect memory. They always find back to themselves.
- Invented the cells, plants, animals, eyes, brains, words, and word-users, that is you, I, and the approximately other 9 billion word-users on planet earth.
- Don’t possess a brain.
- Never spent a day at school.
- Created you, and me, from scratch, brain included.
- Don’t possess brains.
- Never spent a day at school.
- Predict the weather, the seasons, the cycles of the sun, the moon, and the stars above.
- Know the Fibonacci number and other things the word-users only know the limits of.
- Well, some plants know, too many to name here.
- There are two types: The wordy (not to be mistaken for the worthy), and the wordless (not to be mistaken for the worthless).
- The wordy are us, the word-users, the only specie that builds schools to use words.
- The wordless are the other 8.7 to 16 million animal species that don’t build schools, hence never spent a day there, yet they know more than we’ll ever know.
If we were intelligent, we’d compare our intelligence not with our own, but with that of the energy, fire, air, earth, and water.
Why? Because the energy, fire, air, earth, and water have existed for the first 99.9997 percent of Earth-Time already. At the same time we, the wordy, have existed for the most recent 0.0003 percent of Earth-Time only.
If intelligence has got anything to do with anyone’s or anything’s ability to respond to change, then the intelligence of the energy, fire, air, earth, and water is beyond the shadow of a doubt infinitely greater than ours.
To get a fair yardstick to compare our wordy intelligence with that of the wordless intelligence of the energy, fire, air, earth, and water, we must figure out the length of an infinite yardstick first.
Even though we have now artificial intelligence on our side, I doubt that’s enough to figure out the infinite.
What do you think?
I’d love to hear what you think.
Please let me know in the comments below, or by email to beat@schindlersword.com
“How many examples do you know of a more intelligent thing being controlled by a less intelligent thing?” – Geoffrey Hinton
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