Unless they are your friends, your prospects don’t know you, let alone your friends. And it’s unlikely they think of their friends as you think of yours.
You’re thinking of your friends as in three buckets.
Bucket 1: Leaves
Your leave-type friends will stick around only when the circumstances are favourable to them, not to you. Some will jump onto new opportunities like fleas jump onto passing dogs. As long as you keep in mind that leave-type friends will fall off and fade away, there’s nothing wrong with them. The best shield against against attracting too many of them? Know what kind of friend you want to invest your energy and time with.
Bucket 2: Branches
Your branch-type friends share your values. They tend to stay attached to your vision, as you stay attached to theirs, regardless of circumstances, no matter which way the wind does blow.
Be careful as your branch-type friends may break under your own weight or that of snow when the winter comes, which it will. Don’t sit on them.
Bucket 3: Roots
Your root-type friends are with you till the day you die. They’re running deep and wide as you are, little to concern for what’s going on above ground, unmoved by which way the wind does blow. Your root-type friends join you in watching the rivers flow, going under the bridges, together with other stuff too, flowing into the sea, yet the sea ain’t full.
Decide your environment, not your friends, for your friends will come from that environment.
As you make your root-type friends, respect, care, and thank for having them, as you respect, care, and thank for having you.
Not only on Thanksgiving Day, but on 365 days a year.
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