Everything you know is a word.
Begs the question of how much do you know about your words, doesn’t it?
Do you know that words don’t have meaning, that they just are?
If given a choice from which for you to decide, what would you rather trust, A) the meaning given to words by word-users you don’t know or, B) the meaning of words given by you.
If you decide A), that means you’ll never meet the word-users in question because they’re either dead or far away.
If you decide B), that means you cannot trust any word, that you can trust only what you know of a word, that you control what you know, and that you’re the captain on your ship.
B) also means if anyone mistakes a word for another, they don’t know the first thing about either, that it’s nonsense to say of two words that they are identical, and that to say of one word that it is identical with itself is to say nothing.
In other words, you know when to speak and when to remain silent.
Last but not least, B) means that you now have work to take care of — giving meaning to the approximately 100 words that you use every day.
But not to worry. All work comes with overhead, that’s how the cards are dealt.
You could be the world’s greatest rock star and still not like parts of your work. Or you could be a gardener and know when is the season for seeding, no blaming the crops for not growing fast enough, no uprooting to check if the flowers are growing, irrigate, fertilize, prepare for the good seasons and the bad, and still dislike parts of your job just the same. That’s just a part of any work in the world.
“Accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days the statue.” – Scott Adams
Trust is good, it saves you the trouble that comes with distrust, but knowing is better.
Regardless of whether you decided A) or B) above, the only word-user that should ever have to exist by your standards is you.
Let everyone else off the hook. Besides, it’s doubtful that other word-users have experienced as much, dreamt as big, or are able to visualise like you.
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