“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” – Richard Bach
“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.” – Thomas Mann
“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” – Ernest Hemingway
“All my life I’ve looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.” – Ernest Hemingway
Everything you know is a word.
This is not philosophy. It is science.
Know your words well for they become your writing.
Wanna improve your writing even more?
By all means, feel free to read my WRITE QUOTES WORTH READING TWICE handpicked for you by yours truly, and FREE for you who reads me on my website.
I can improve your writing (if you send it to me beforehand), or I can help if you’d rather find your own voice (which I highly recommend).
Either way, book a FREE 15-minute call with me or email beat@schindlersword.com
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