All stories — be it the story of how it all began, the story of you, or the story of anything else — have one thing in common.
They are best understood by the simple formula of “Stimulus, Response”.

“Stimulus=Response” is never-ending.
That’s because the universe is energy which responds to itself.
You and your work-life balance are no exception.
You respond
Like everything else you have a word for, information is stimulus to which you respond.
You respond to information within you and without you, at the same time.
Information from within you may include your blood flowing, your heart beating, or your lungs breathing. Much of the time you’re not even aware, but had you failed to respond to every exhale with an inhale within minutes, you wouldn’t be here.
Information from without you is identical, everything you have a word for.
Many word-users don’t like to admit that we respond to words that may include things such as quiet, news, fake news, stories that happened, stories that didn’t happen, words that happened, and words that didn’t happen, to name a few.

Ignorance isn’t a choice
You can be ignorant any time. The same is true for any word-user. That’s because ignorance isn’t a choice. Ignorance is a decision.
When you decide to ignore the fact you’re in a constant state of ”Information=Response”…

…means you’re missing an essential ingredient to your work-life balance.
Because the results you achieve on your journey depend entirely on your ability to respond to information, your ability to respond is the bottleneck on your journey so to speak.

All of your other abilities together — of which there are over 500 in total, if you trust the dictionary, which I don’t recommend — have only one purpose, to serve your ability to respond.
Your ability to respond to information is on top of the totem pole.
When you increase your ability to respond, all of your other abilities follow suit, meaning they also increase, if you’re lucky at the same time.
Information can be measured, they want us to believe.
I don’t know about you, but I believe that all the truths on our planet add up to one big lie
In the unlikely event you’re not familiar with bytes, we the people operate on words — letterally made of letters as opposed to literally made of liters, but the machines operate on qubits — a basic unit of quantum information made of strings of 1 and 0 that can be both 0 and 1 at the same time — dubbed “Spooky action at a distance” by Albert Einstein.
These qubits of information are stored in machine units that go by the name of bytes.
1 byte = 1 byte
1 gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes
1 exabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
Should you wonder what all of this means, as I did only to discover that if 1 gigabyte is the size of Earth, then an exabyte is the size of the Sun.

Those who want you to believe that information can be measured say that billions of people rely on more than 2.5 exabytes of information generated every day and that by 2025, that number is expected to climb to 463 exabytes of daily information.
They’re also proclaiming that all of this information will need somewhere to go.
It better not be you
It better not be you because you’re obviously unable to respond to daily exabytes of information today.
It’s not just about you of course. We’re all in this daily information avalanche together.
Do you think you can respond to even more information tomorrow, and if so, how does thinking such thoughts work for you and your work-life balance?
Do you believe more information than you can handle is a good passenger to have on your ship? Or do you think it will wear you out in the long run?
Who is putting on who?
Is it the people who want you to believe that information can be measured?
Or is it you who believe it?
Who is putting on who?
It doesn’t matter.
Your ability to respond to information is on top of the totem pole.
When you increase your ability to respond to information, all of your other abilities follow suit.
Your ability to respond, no other ability even comes close.