Where is fancy bred?
Where is the fancy for every word-user’s destiny bred?
In the heart, not in the head, beyond the shadow of a doubt.
There’s a reason Braveheart is Braveheart, not Bravehead.
Follow your heart
All it takes is the coeurage it takes to follow through, including the strength that otherwise you’ll never have.
I’m saying this because only the stories repeated change the world, while the stories untold don’t. And also because I’m lunatic enough to believe the story of words will change the world.
As you’d expect, my personal fancy — hearing the story of words told at school — breeds in my personal heart every new morning anew. After which it’s up to me to muster the strength that otherwise I’ll miss till my last morning anew has arrived.
My 2nd most fancied fancy is to see you smile and hear you laugh in the wind.
Fancy #1? See above.
“They say that time will heal but neither time nor reason will change the way I feel.” – L.J. Ramsay
Click here for your free yours-to-keep-forever-copy of HEART QUOTES WORTH READING TWICE* (nota bene selected for you by yours truly).
* contains “There is no reason not to follow your heart.” – Steve Jobs
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#FollowYourHeart #inspiration #personaldevelopment #word
good to read something “ligthter” that I’m agree with.. after last week’s posts which I found hard to follow as you know
Happy to hear! I know from experience that new truths are hard to accept when they replace long-held ones.