What makes you a word-user?
Re-discover what out makes you a word-using animal that calls itself human can be quickly done because all it takes is for you to remember the same two events I remembered not long ago.
Event #1: Remember you’re born like any mammal’s child, that is without words, wordless.

It’s not just about you of course. We’re all born wordless together.
Event #2: Remember you learned your first letters, then words, then stories at home and later at school.
Because you weren’t told at home or school, you probably don’t remember that among the 5 to 7 million of wordless animal species, you are a part of the only type of animal that builds schools for the sole purpose of letters, words, and storytelling, that none of the wordless animals do anything like it.
Makes you wonder what the wordless know that we don’t, doesn’t it?
Words are all we have
We have them and the wordless don’t.
That’s the only reason why we are here talking about them and the wordless aren’t.
“Until the lioness tells her tale, the story will always glorify the hunter.” – African wisdom
Rather than believe what our parents, preachers, teachers, and professors say, ask yourself if maybe the opposite is true for a minute or two.
Or take the shortcut and use the same minute or two to pay attention to the story of words instead.

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#creativity #personaldevelopment#word #WordlessWonder