Everything responds.
That everything responds is a fact without exceptions.
While everything responds to stimulus, everything does not respond to the same, because stimulus can take various forms.
The main type of stimulus is energy which responds to itself.
A good example is gravity that affects everything on our planet.
We can learn about gravity from Galileo’s iconic experiments at the leaning tower of Pisa, and also from Newton’s law of universal gravitation.
Some word-users ignore that even evolution fits into the “Stimulus=Response” equation. Here is how: Each step of evolution is the stimulus, and the following step is the response. You can visualize this never-ending “Stimulus=Response” of evolution as follows: ??? → Energy. Energy → Cells. Cells → Plants. Plants → Animals. Animals → Eyes. Eyes → Brains. Brains → Words. Words → Word-users. Word-users → Machines. Machines → ???
As Marshall McLuhan said, “The chicken was the egg’s idea for getting more eggs.” Similarly, the word-user was the word’s idea for getting more words. Both ideas led to the results we’re witnessing as we speak. After wishing for words, we’re drowning in them, though 2 questions remain.
QUESTION 1: What stimuli do the energy, fire, air, earth, water, cells, plants, and animals without words respond to?
Having never spent a day in school, where words are learned, the wordless will not speak, meaning they will continue to communicate without words.
As if proof were needed, this proves that the wordless world and the wordful world are worlds apart. It also proves that words don’t describe the world. On the contrary, words only describe how the word-users see the world.
QUESTION 2: What stimuli do the word-users respond to?
Because the word-users — that is you, me, and approximately 9 billion like you and me — have a word for everything and also for everything we know, everything we respond to, our stimulus, are words.
That everything responds, each to their own stimulus, is a fact without exceptions.
- “Until the lioness tells her tale, the story will always glorify the hunter.” – African wisdom
- “You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. If words control you means everyone else can control you.” – Bruce Lee
- “All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
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#StimulusResponse #creativity #selfimprovement #word
Just one thing I don’t agree with: words are not learned in school, but at home, with the parents and sibblings. I know a few persons who never went to school and yet they have words to express themselves, to communicate.
Happy to learn you learned — at school or elsewhere — things de-scribed with words not previously learned from parents and siblings. Precocious lucky you 🙂