What would you do in a world of naught?
What would you do in a world of naught where words are absent?
I know what I would do. Perhaps you do so, too?
I’d do what the wordless do, such as the sun, the energy, the fire, the air, the earth, the water, the planets, the plants, the moon, the seas, the stars, the colors, the paradise birds, the clouds, the pencils and the swifts, to name a few.
Maybe I’d do what the swifts do most of all, watching the rivers flow to the seas yet the seas are not full, wondering what that’s all about.
But the swifts…

…are wordless, so they cannot know what I’d do.
Did you know they can stay up in the air for up to 10 months without landing? I didn’t know that until I visited la maison Robert in Orvin, Switzerland not long ago.
If I had a swift’s wings I could sleep while I’m flying, too, I don’t know where I would go, wondering what else the wordless can do naturally that I can’t.
But right now I just sit here feeling my heart beat, no pun intended. (Once I said to somebody “I’m Beat” and that somebody responded with “Is that your name or how you feel?”)
Wouldn’t you?
I’m a dreamer but not the only one.
What are you dreaming of as we speak?
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#creativity #selfimprovement #word #WordlessWonders