Word-users are meaning-seeking creatures. Elephants are not.
Word-users are meaning-seeking creatures. Elephants do not agonize about the elephant condition, worry about the plight of elephants in other parts of the world, or try to see their existence from a different perspective. They couldn’t because they don’t have words.
But word-users invent stories that place our existence in a larger setting and make the unhappy among us believe life has meaning and value.
It’s impossible to add value to others if you don’t value others first.
You cannot be without your values. No matter what they are, you cannot function without them. Own your values when it’s convenient and disown them again when it’s inconvenient is not how the cards are dealt.
Whatever your value may be — problems, solutions, mistakes, excuses, freedom, money, family, security, adventure, courage, honesty, looks, power, health, cars, or words — they are with you day and night.
Your values are your mind’s bouncers. They decide what gets in and what’s kept out.
Therefore, to be in charge of your values is the most important job in the world. Better make sure you’re the one.
Remember the last movie you saw? It lasted less than 2 hours. A week later you remember 5 minutes. How did you do that?
You might believe your memory did it. Wrong. It’s the work of your values, your mind bouncers. The same is happening with your journey from birth to here. You’ve experienced thousands of experiences so far, but you remember only a fraction of them spontaneously, as we speak. Your values decided what got in and what bounced off into nowhereland 7/24.
Your values determine if you keep your word, what you are, what you do, what you have, what you go after, and what you avoid when you go to sleep at night, and when you wake up in the morning. Long story short, your values determine your experience.
The word-users that ignore what their values are, unfailingly value excuses instead.
If you’re happy with the results that your values produce, never change a winning team! Nevertheless, you want to know what they are. Especially if you’re less than happy with the outcomes.
We don’t value values, we only value their meaning — what they mean to us.
Word-users that weren’t told the basics in their young years attribute their good experiences to good luck and their bad experiences to bad luck. Simple, except that’s not how it works. To experience a good life begins by valuing a good life. But even that doesn’t guarantee it. Creating your own luck merely increases your chances.
- List your values, in writing.
- Rank them in order of most valued.
- Describe your top values in terms of what will have to happen for you to experience it. Example: “I feel happy every time I wake up, for I know I’m a miracle, and any time I help others know what they are and how it all began.”
- Give your ranked values a cool name that inspires – “Driving Force”, “Code of Conduct”, “Personal Firmament”, or whatever else tickles your creativity.
- Read it twice daily. once after getting out of bed and once before getting into bed.
- See your life change before the day is over.
“A people that values its privileges over its principles soon loses both.” – Dwight Eisenhower
“A little while alone in your room will prove more valuable than anything else that could ever be given you.” – Rumi
“If you don’t stick to your values when they are being tested, they are not values, they are hobbies.” – John Stewart
“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” – Roy Disney
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