Trying to to figure out words and wanna cry?
- The story of words isn’t not told.
- Words aren’t what the dictionaries, internet, and smartphones say.
Hence why trying to understand words without crying isn’t a walk in the park.
I think part of the solution may be in how I did it — how I understood words, didn’t cry, and took a walk in the park instead.
Let’s go.
When in 2016, I discovered that everything I know is a word, I wondered how the discovery happened. Unable to figure it out, I resolved on a miracle out of the blue.
Though I still cry for words, a couple of 10,000 hours later, I’m still only just getting started (to understand words).
Part of the reason is that I wrote the story of words — contained in THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY. This has turned what was my work before into my passion now, which I do only for the sensation while doing it. Getting the story of words told at schools is my vision now, knowing I’ll be gone before the vision is achieved.
It’s hard for schools to accept that “Words are all we have” (Samuel Beckett), “Using words to talk of words is like using a pencil to draw a picture of itself, on itself” (Patrick Rothfuss), “What a word means, a sentence cannot say” (Ludwig Wittgenstein), and “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident” (Arthur Schopenhauer). Words don’t live, don’t matter, don’t mean, and don’t sense. And words are what schools are for.
Lots of accepting required before the story of words gets told, of all places, at schools.
That’s it. But just because my solution for how I understood, didn’t cry, and took a walk in the park instead, worked for me, doesn’t mean it’ll work also for you. You’ve got to find your own way home.
That said, systemic change requires sharing the information.
If what you read is useful to you, please feel free to share it lock, stock, and barrel.
And if on top of that, you can offer support, financial or otherwise, book a FREE call or email beat@schindlersword.com
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I don’t agree with Samuel Becket “words are all we have”. I don’t know in which context he said that, but for me, we have more than words. We have feelings, we can express ourselves by crying, smiling, showing… etc
Samuel Beckett said “Words are all we have” in his Nobel for Letterature acceptance speech in 1969. In preparing his acceptance speech, did the author of “Waiting for Godot” notice or not notice that Samuel. Beckett, Godot, we, have, feelings, can, express, crying, smiling, showing, and etc — in fact everything you have a word for and everything you know — are words, or was it an accident, and all we don’t know is what happened after the ambulance was gone? I don’t know.